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And this inspiration, however it may be derived, necessarily becomes a part of our intuitions, since it addresses itself to the strongest possible cravings of the human soul, and is accepted as its inseparable companion and guest. Shall we build our faith then on the Divine Word, on the Word that was in the beginning with God, and, when incarnate, was God, or on Mr.

It was like the sudden appearance of two white angels walking fearless and unscathed through the grim dominions of the Lords of Hell. Incarnate Good had somehow entered the house of the Demon, though it was in the slender periphery of two maidens' bodies, and evil, strong and resistless before, seemed in the moment to lose half its power.

To speak comforting words to a few weeping hearts; to lay His hands on a few sick folk and heal them; to go about in a despised land doing good, loved indeed by outcasts and sinners, unknown by all the dispensers of renown, and consciously despised by all whom the world honoured that was the perfect life of the Incarnate God.

It was as though from the desolate waste there had sprung a magical and exotic flower; or that the sunset lights, now deepening on fern and stone, had burned together and became incarnate in this lovely girl. She was slim and not very tall. She wore no hat and the auburn of her hair, piled high above her forehead, tangled the warm sunset beams and burned like a halo round her head.

Philosophic latitudinarianism had long ago cured him of the Rabbinical notion of the Babylonian conqueror as an incarnate fiend, devoted to Tophet, like Sennacherib before him.

That this goddess incarnate in Ayesha or using the woman Ayesha and her passions as her instruments was avenged upon them both at Kor, and that there in an after age the bolt she shot fell back upon her own head. Well, I had often thought as much myself.

Wells would not pretend that no deity can be called anthropomorphic who is not actually conceived as incarnate in the visible figure of a man. An anthropomorphic God is one who reflects the mental characteristics of his worshippers; and that Mr. Wells's God does, if ever God did in this world. The words here omitted, "no Infinite," are nothing to the present purpose. Mr.

So soon as that fact had acquired in his mind whether rightly or wrongly a name and local habitation, now that he was liable to meet it daily incarnate and that in most unsavoury shape liable to be constantly reminded of its near neighbourhood, to witness a thousand and one unpleasing peculiarities of speech, habit, and manner, unlooked-for emotions arose in Iglesias, and those of a character of which he was by no means proud.

So entrancing was the notion, that I stood there a little child, a mere incarnate love, the tears running down my checks for very bliss. But presently my mood changed: what had befallen him? When first I saw him, horse and man were standing still, and I noted nothing strange, blinded perhaps by the tears of my gladness.

Dryfoos has charge of the publishing department he's the counting-room incarnate, the source of power, the fountain of corruption, the element that prevents journalism being the high and holy thing that it would be if there were no money in it." Mr.