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Standing on the utmost verge of that dark chasm, she might stretch out her hand and never clasp a hand of theirs; she might strive to call out 'Help, friends! help! but, as with dreamers when they shout, her voice would perish inaudibly in the remoteness that seemed such a little way.

After a moment of hesitation, she put one arm timidly round his neck, and, bending her grand head, laid it on his bosom. Her finely-rounded, supple, muscular figure trembled, as if she had been the most fragile woman living. "Dear Amelius!" she murmured inaudibly. He tried to speak to her his voice failed him. She had, in perfect innocence, fired his young blood.

"I thank you," said Warkenhold, almost inaudibly. "I must take the money, for I am sorely pressed; but I would give my right hand not to have been forced to do this thing!" "Pray say the left. Your right hand is a treasure not lightly to be parted with," said the banker, laughing. "But a truce to sentiment. It is useless for you to drape yourself in the toga of honor or benevolence.

She was half-way risen from her knees when a hand on her shoulder, and the clergyman's voice in her ear, checked her. "Not yet," he murmured almost inaudibly. "Stay as you are till till Mrs. Harrington is wheeled from the room." Phyllis understood.

And I've made up my mind to volunteer as soon as we declare war." "Oh, Laurie!" That was all she said, but it was enough. Again he turned away from her and looked into the fire. "I want to talk to you about it sometime," he went on. "Not now, of course. I'm going in for the aviation end. That's my game." "Yes, it would be," she corroborated, almost inaudibly.

"Brute!" muttered Ziffa inaudibly. "Oh! she werry sharp chile," returned Rais, "werry sharp got ears and eyes from the sole of hers head to de top of hers feets." Ziffa said nothing, either mentally or otherwise, but looked rather pleased. "Well," continued Rais, "we won't mention the name of Rimini again nowhars only w'en we can't help it, like."

He charged the property with life incomes to his widow and daughters, and to me; but the land is in the hands of trustees until my son's majority, and Pettilove is the only surviving trustee. The burning colour mantled in Albinia's face, and almost inaudibly she said, 'I beg your pardon, Edmund; I have done you moat grievous injustice. I thought you would not see

"Nothing, nothing," he stammered almost inaudibly, and pushing his son on one side, whispered in Bartja's ear: "Unhappy boy, you are still here? don't delay any longer, fly at once! the whip-bearers are close at my heels, and I assure you that if you don't use the greatest speed, you will have to forfeit your double imprudence with your life." "But Croesus, I have..."

And with this, he was sighing and sobbing from the bottom of his heart most pitifully, and, in his eagerness and impatience, shaking the elder-tree to and fro; which, however, instead of any reply, rustled quite gloomily and inaudibly with its leaves, and so rather seemed, as it were, to make sport of the student Anselmus and his sorrows.

And every day since, like a famous philosopher who wished to abbreviate his mourning for a faithful servant, he had said to himself in substance "Remember to forget Mary Garland." Sometimes it seemed as if he were succeeding; then, suddenly, when he was least expecting it, he would find her name, inaudibly, on his lips, and seem to see her eyes meeting his eyes.