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His pen hovered threateningly over it, and finally he struck it out and wrote instead: 'Paterfamilias. He felt that this pseudonym was perhaps a little inapposite, but some impulse stronger than himself forced him to employ it. 'But haven't I told you that I was just writing the very name when Annie came in to warn me? Mr.

With some inapposite, impulsive warmth he protested: "But she has had bitter cause for repentance, Julian. Royston was a brute. The only decent thing he ever did was dying! She has been an awfully unhappy woman. I know you will be sorry for that." "Neither glad nor sorry. She is nothing to me.

At this juncture Mr, Balfour became Chief Secretary; and his appointment was the signal for a volume of criticism, which the events of the next four years proved to be ludicrously inapposite.

What are these numerous Acts of Parliament and what are their objects, scope, and intentions? Whilst neither time nor space admit of detailed exposition, not to speak of the patience of my readers, a few observations upon some of the principal enactments may not be inapposite or uninteresting.

Of course the historical nature of his subject precluded the dramatic suggestion to be looked for in the Pickwick trial, thus rendering comparison inapposite. Nevertheless one was bound to contrast them. Thackeray's features were impassive, and his voice knew no inflection.

If it were not for La Masque, I would not stay another hour in this pest-stricken city." "Here we are," was Sir Norman's rather inapposite answer, as they entered Piccadilly, and stopped before a large and handsome house, whose gloomy portal was faintly illuminated by a large lamp. "Here, my man just carry the lady in."

She didn't fall, but it was a forced landing and her machine had taken fire before they could get her out of her seat." "You mean she was burnt?" I cried, chilled by the horror of it. And, inapposite as it seemed, my thoughts flashed back to that lithe and buoyant figure, and then to the picture of it charred and scorched and suffering.

This remark, so ludicrously inapposite to, or rather, incongruous with, the purpose, for which I was known to have visited Birmingham, and to assist me in which they were all then met, produced an involuntary and general burst of laughter; and seldom indeed have I passed so many delightful hours, as I enjoyed in that room from the moment of that laugh till an early hour the next morning.

Excuse me if I have devoted a few pages to a subject which with you is obsolete. I am indignant at the perusal of such falsehoods; and though I feel for the humiliation of great talents, I feel still more for the disgrace such an abuse of them brings on our country. It is not inapposite to mention a circumstance which happened to a friend of Mr. D's, some little time since, at Paris.

He stood before his bookshelves trying to select a volume, rejecting one after another as inapposite. Browning Keats, Shelley they seemed more suited for the hearth than for the roadside. He did not want anything Scots, for he was of opinion that Spring came more richly in England and that English people had a better notion of it.