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They made the tour of the room in silence after this; but Bardo's lip-born maxims were as powerless over the passion which had been moving him, as if they had been written on parchment and hung round his neck in a sealed bag; and he presently broke forth again in a new tone of insistance. "Inanis? yes, if it is a lying fame; but not if it is the just meed of labour and a great purpose.

To which he graciously answers "Si mora praesentis leti, tempusque caduco Oratur juveni, meque hoc ita ponere sentis, Tolle fuga Turnum, atquc instantibus eripe fatis. Hactenus indulsisse vacat. Sin altior istis Sub precibus venia ulla latet, totumque moveri Mutarive putas bellum, spes pascis inanis."

"`Sunt qui non habeant, est qui non curat habere. "He is referring to gems, and purple, and other insignia of wealth; but I may apply his words not less justly to the tributes men pay us with their lips and their pens, which are also matters of purchase, and often with base coin. Yes, `inanis' hollow, empty is the epithet justly bestowed on Fame."

"Solebat enim me pungere, ne Sampsicerami merita in patriam ad annos DC majora viderentur, quam nostra." To Atticus, ii. 17. "Pompeius nobis amicissimus esse constat." To Atticus, i. 13. "Non jucunda miseris, inanis improbis, beatis non grata, bonis non gravis. Itaque frigebat." To Atticus, i. 14. "Metellus non homo, sed litus atque aer, et solitudo mera." To Atticus, i. 18.

And 'tis no empty picture inanis imago, as Ovid might say no, 'tis sheer reality, speaking, terrible." He turned and beckoned. In a moment Desmond heard the clank of chains, and by and by, at the entrance of the shed, stood a figure at sight of whom his blood ran cold. It was the bent, thin, broken figure of a Hindu, his thin bare legs weighted with heavy irons.

EMPTY, emtie, vacuus, inanis. A. S. AEmtiz. Videtur interim etymologiam hanc non obscure firmare codex Rush. HILL, mons, collis. A. S. hyll. Hom. NAP, to take a nap. Dormire, condormiscere. Cym. heppian. A. S. hnaeppan. STAMMERER, Balbus, blaesus. Goth. STAMMS. A. S. stamer, stamur. D. stam. B. stameler. Su. stamma. Isl. stamr.

Nor were the Samoans, like the ancient Romans, satisfied with a mere "tumulus inanis" at which to observe the usual solemnities; they thought it was possible to obtain the soul of the departed in some tangible transmigrated form.