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And Lord John Russell now availed himself of the machinery of another measure, which he introduced at the same time, to make the relief somewhat wider and more effective. Hitherto there was no record of births and marriages beyond that which was preserved in the registers of different parishes, which in former years had in many instances been carelessly and inaccurately kept.

And yet, so certain are we to find in a subject which we reconsider, or handle a second time, that which was at first rashly, imperfectly, inaccurately, stated, which needs therefore to be amended, modified, or withdrawn, that 'to retract' could not tarry long in its primary meaning of reconsidering; but has come to signify to withdraw.

In setting with the old arrangement, only one end of the roller is adjusted at a time; in the new, the adjustment sets the ends of two rollers. With regard to the leather roller also, it was found that as the round brass tubes in which its ends revolved had very little wearing surface, they got worn into flats on the outside, and thus worked inaccurately.

V. XII. Greek Instruction The designation -mimus-, however, is sometimes inaccurately applied to the comedian generally. With the mimus of the classical Greek period prose dialogues, in which -genre- pictures, particularly of a rural kind, were presented the Roman mimus had no especial relation.

The attempt was far from being completely successful, for the serfs this was before the Emancipation could not be made to work like regularly trained German labourers. In spite of all admonitions, threats, and punishments, they persisted in working slowly, listlessly, inaccurately, and occasionally they broke the new instruments from carelessness or some more culpable motive.

Once I still hear the words he compared the most delicate with the thousandfold more sublime works of God, the vast, ceaseless machinery of the universe, where there is no misplaced spring, no inaccurately adjusted cog in the wheels. Oh, that glorious intellect!

Why, you remember what Calpurnius Bassus says about all blondes?" "No, I believe not. What did he say, dear?" "I would only spoil the splendid passage by quoting it inaccurately from memory. But he was quite right, and his opinion is mine in every particular. So if that is the best Leuke can offer, I heartily agree with you I had best go into some other country."

The more striking of these systems were recognised and drawn at a very early stage of telescopic observation, as may be seen if we consult the quaint old charts of Hevel, Riccioli, Fontana, and other observers of the seventeenth century, where they are always prominently, though very inaccurately, portrayed.

Sometimes this whiteness, or bleached-out appearance, is astounding in its effects. The true artist will stand for hours gazing upon it, and wishing that he could reproduce, ever so inaccurately, the intense beauties which surround him. Behind the springs, and blocking up the view on the south, is the mountain known as Bunsen Peak, the highest within the range of the eye.

There were, I think, 2000 copies circulated of the first expensive edition; and then the book was divided into four little volumes, which were published separately, and which again had a considerable circulation. That some facts were stated inaccurately, I do not doubt; that many opinions were crude, I am quite sure; that I had failed to understand much which I attempted to explain, is possible.