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Any honor I bring the clan is no more than repayment for the honor I was given in being adopted." That response clearly pleased both Yarra and Hovan. They were on Ch'kara property now, so in-clan; neither had any hesitation in embracing Steve, even before going inside. And Tarlac returned the gesture just as eagerly, able to use his full strength as they dared not.

And he was newly adopted and an alien; it was the clan that needed to be helped most, and calling on it for support would, paradoxically, let it recover most quickly. Yet he knew it was his plea for help, nothing more abstract, that moved Hovan. The Traiti finally embraced him. "You are in-clan, ruhar. Never doubt that. But may I ask why you want me to go?"

Tarlac found himself suddenly wishing he had mentioned it that night, had given in to his urge to seek comfort. "I . . . I've been a Ranger for fifteen years, Hovan. Almost half my life. I just . . . I couldn't " Hovan shook him with controlled ease, just enough to silence him. "You of Ch'kara now are, Steve, and in-clan. Yourself be, not another's image. That not a weakness is." "What?

As they passed pictures and corridor intersections and doors labeled in the angular Traiti script, Tarlac spoke. "The Fleet-Captain says I'll have to be a member of one of your clans to take the Ordeal. Can you tell me why?" "Because parts of the Ordeal in-clan matters are, not with out-clan or clanless discussed. I can no more of that say." "Okay. I suppose I'll find out when the time comes."

It would be good, Hovan thought, simply to be back in-clan, back in the closeness and peace he valued so highly and there was Ka'ruchaya Yarra's promise. He looked at Steve, pleased to see the man's expression was calm and interested. Tarlac indicated the female standing motionless in front of the open door and asked quietly, "Ka'chaya Yvian?"

Tarlac took the cloak gratefully and wrapped it around his body, feeling a sense of relief. He'd adapted well enough to the in-clan nudity that under most circumstances being nude himself might not bother him too badly but this woman was the clan's religious leader, and he was still uncertain enough not to want to commit any Terran improprieties around her. "The chovas sounds good, too."

When the out-clan visitors had left the gathering hall and Channath had excused herself, Tarlac very deliberately went to Hovan and put his arms around his sponsor, his head on the massive chest. Hovan tensed at the touch, and Tarlac realized the Traiti couldn't help himself. Tarlac backed off, looking up. This time he had to relax Hovan. "Am I in-clan or not?" he demanded.

That it was a branch home, in most cases, didn't matter; being in-clan was what counted. Ship-Captain Exvani, as anxious as anyone to rejoin his family, had called ahead so that every clan with a member aboard the Hermnaen could send transportation, and the ship emptied without delay.

Dammit, he was supposed to be able to adapt to just about any circumstances. So why shouldn't he accept this? Unless she was right, and something in Terran culture had warped him. Or maybe not warped him, but been mistaken about him. He'd lost his reserve far too easily in the short time he'd spent aboard the Hermnaen, and here in-clan, for real detachment to have been an integral part of him.

"It best for you is, after the medicine you took. Then, if you ready are, the Supreme and First Speaker will you receive." "Okay, I'll give it a try. That's one meeting I'm really looking forward to." On the way to the dining room, Tarlac had his first experience with the casual nudity Hovan had told him was an option in-clan.