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Robert Fenley was not expected to put in an appearance, or the Superintendent would have mentioned him with the others. On reaching the house there were evidences of disturbance. Hilton Fenley stood in the doorway, and was haranguing the newspaper men in a voice harsh with anger. This intrusion was unwarranted, illegal, impudent. He would have them expelled by force.

But, Master Gregory, you carry a freight of which you do not know the measure; and, perhaps, you never shall, though you are very brave and honest, and not so impudent as you used to be, and I'm not so sure that I like you so much better for that either, Monsieur Gregory."

He fled with her, and I fancy he must be either the assassin or an accessory after the fact." Asher heard all this with extreme surprise. When Steel concluded he touched the bell. Alexander responded with his usual cheerful and impudent air. His master addressed him with some severity. "What about that summons which was served by you on Mr. Morley, of Rickwell?" he demanded.

Before he climbed down the ladder he announced with a solemn smile that he thought the craft was well protected so far as collisions on foggy nights were concerned, but he doubted if their arms were sufficient and that he had better leave them his big sea knife which had been twice around Cape Horn, and which might be useful in lopping off arms and legs whenever the cutthroats got too impudent and aggressive; whereupon Archie threw his arms around his grizzled neck and said he was a "bully commodore," and that if he would come and live with them aboard the hulk they would obey his orders to a man.

On her way to service she saw Ludlow crossing the park before the capitol, and stopped her carriage. "'Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remember'd," quoted the man, his handsome, impudent eyes on hers. "I propose that you'll do that for yourself," Cora retorted archly. "Get in."

"Yes, madame," replied the impudent rogue, very demurely; "like most people who tell their own stories, I was born of honest, but poor parents." "I believe your parents were honest; and now, Lionel, to reward you, I shall pay for your boots, and you may keep your sovereign." "Thank your ladyship," replied the lad. "I forgot to say that the cook is outside for orders."

It is an insolence toward the majority of the purchasers, for it is a very frank and impudent way of saying, 'Get the translations made yourself if you want them, this book is not written for the ignorant classes. There are men who know a foreign language so well and have used it so long in their daily life that they seem to discharge whole volleys of it into their English writings unconsciously, and so they omit to translate, as much as half the time.

It is not predicted that a universal school-discipline will bring up several millions to the neglect, and many of them in an impudent contempt, of attendance on the ministrations of religion. The result will at all hazards, by every one's acknowledgment, be the contrary of this.

She was disconcerted enough, without my adding to her distress by any impudent conduct on my part. And she will write, for By Heaven, she HAS written, Darsie, and with a vengeance!

Hitherto, she had been cynical, sarcastic, laughing, careless, impudent. Now, of a sudden, she was all seriousness, and she spoke with a gravity that, despite their volition, impressed both the men before her. "It can't be done, Inspector," she said, sedately. The declaration, simple as it was, aroused the official to new indignation.