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He clinched his hands, his eyes blazed ominously, his whole person breathed an intense desire for vengeance. And M. d'Escorval was silent, fearing to aggravate this hatred, so imprudently kindled, and whose explosion, he believed, would be terrible. M. Lacheneur had risen from his chair.

'Why, Ferdinand, he can beat you in anything! exclaimed Rose, imprudently. But the truth was, she was now more restless than ever. She was not distant with Evan, but she had a feverish manner, and seemed to thirst to make him show his qualities, and excel, and shine. Billiards, or jumping, or classical acquirements, it mattered not Evan must come first.

In great exaltation of spirits, he one morning left the army over which he was commander-in-chief to visit the duchess, who had come to meet him at the neighboring castle of Corney. The duke very imprudently took with him merely one general officer and a page. It was a beautiful morning in February.

Well, I don't mind telling you that you can reach Amboise by stroke of noon; and so you have business at Amboise, eh?" I saw Michael's brow lower at this wheedling little man's question, and answered rather hastily and imprudently: "Yes, business, my good man, important business, as you will see when we return this road to-morrow night with the prize we are after."

When Hannibal learned this, he suddenly turned against the consul Publius Galba, who had imprudently followed him from Rome, and with whom he had hitherto avoided an engagement, vanquished him, and took his camp by storm. Capua Capitulates But this was a poor compensation for the now inevitable fall of Capua.

"It will be a large family on 'em that drives us from that tree; for my mind is made up to give Doll and Blossom a taste of the sweets." If this was said imprudently, as respects ownership in the prize, it was said heartily, so far as spirit and determination were concerned.

To whom now could she open her heart in confidence that heart bleeding and bruised as if it had been trampled one as if some one had crushed it? The thing that she now knew was not like her own little personal secrets, such as she had imprudently confided to Fraulein Schult. The words that she had overheard she could repeat to no one.

His precautions were disconcerted; the page, going again to Vienna, imprudently carried in his belt an embroidered hawking-glove, which betrayed its owner to be of high rank; and being again seized and tortured, confessed his master's name and present hiding-place.

Tousoun Pasha had very imprudently seized a great number of the Bedouins' camels, and obliged them to accompany his army, which had so terrified them, that, previous to Mohammed Aly's arrival, famine was apprehended from the want of beasts of transport. The Pasha endeavoured to restore confidence, and some of the Bedouins began to return with their beasts.

The victory of Mount Auras had awed them into momentary submission; but if they respected the character of Solomon, they hated and despised the pride and luxury of his two nephews, Cyrus and Sergius, on whom their uncle had imprudently bestowed the provincial governments of Tripoli and Pentapolis.