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I do not imply that the Democrats would not have done the same if they had been in command, or that there were not among them many who saw where their profit lay, and took it. The quadrupeds which feed at the Treasury trough are all of one species, no matter whether their skins be black or white.

Yorke flushed with pleasure, not at the honeyed terms, nor the good-will they evidenced, but at the news itself the fact of his father having revealed their relationship to him seemed so full of promise and yet he resented the man's professions, the audacity of which seemed certainly to imply that he was taken for a fool. "I am sure, Mr.

For to suppose that the Byzantine masters wanted skill, or could not have created an illusion had they wished to do so, seems to imply ignorance of the amazingly dexterous realism of the notoriously bad works of that age. Very often, I fear, the misrepresentation of the primitives must be attributed to what the critics call, "wilful distortion."

Both, indeed, admit of degrees, and the feeling, beyond a certain degree, is a species of pain; but adamantine hardness does not imply the least pain.

I imply that he is a man of rare discrimination and admirable taste." "Now won't you please tell me, your Excellency, if you credit, no, if you believe, my story and don't be a diplomat for the telling." "My dear Madame Clephane, I do believe your tale it bears the impress of truth in what you've not done, as well as in what you've done.

Hence these appearances and sounds, which imply amity or enmity in those around, become symbolic of happiness and misery; so that eventually, perception of the one set or the other can scarcely occur without raising a wave of pleasurable feeling or of painful feeling.

Notwithstanding these anecdotes, and the necessary hardship they would seem to imply, I do not believe there was much unwarrantable pillaging considering that we were in the enemy's territory and without any supplies except such as the country afforded. On the 23d Sherman, with the left wing, reached Milledgeville.

With our permission, O foremost of men, think of the boon thou shouldst solicit. Let the boon, however, be such that it may not imply enmity to the gods or destruction to men!

The eye may become blind, the foot may be amputated, but no imperfection afflicts the spirit. This is proof that the spirit of man is distinct from his body. Defects in the body or its members do not imply defects in the spirit.

Wallas has called a halt. I think we may say that his is the distinction of having turned the study of politics back to the humane tradition of Plato and Machiavelli of having made man the center of political investigation. The very title of his book "Human Nature in Politics" is significant. Now in making that statement, I am aware that it is a sweeping one, and I do not mean to imply that Mr.