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On the other hand 'twould be amusing to behold the illustrious Dorias in this evening's massacre the victims of a rascally Moor. No. This doubtful question a Christian might perhaps resolve, but 'tis too deep a riddle for my Moorish brains. I'll go propose it to some learned man. An apartment in the house of the COUNTESS IMPERIALI. JULIA in dishabille. GIANETTINO enters, agitated.

MOOR. So, then, the devil does not forsake his friends. Your servant, gentlemen! I see that Italy does not produce my halter; I must seek it elsewhere. FIESCO, CONSPIRATORS. Enter SERVANT. SERVANT. The Countess Imperiali has already asked three times for your grace. FIESCO. Ha! then the comedy must indeed begin! Tell her I come directly.

which I understand this day is not meant the Cardinall belonging or chosen by the Emperor, but the name of his family is Imperiali. Thence to walk in the Park, which we did two hours, it being a pleasant sunshine day though cold.

Sir Edward Grey, Cambon, Marchese Imperiali, Graf Benckendorff."

Only one point remained in dispute, I was told, but that point hinged upon Fiume, and, by a strange chance, it was not mentioned in the reply which the secretary had just handed in. The Italian delegation at once telephoned to the British Premier asking him to receive the Marquis Imperiali, who, calling shortly afterward, learned that Fiume was to be a free city and exempt from control.

which I understand this day is not meant the Cardinall belonging or chosen by the Emperor, but the name of his family is Imperiali. Thence to walk in the Park, which we did two hours, it being a pleasant sunshine day though cold.

Cardinal Imperiali, Governor of Rome, asked pardon of the king in person, and all the hard conditions of the treaty were fulfilled. But no arret against the pope was set forth in 1665.

Ad dextram vero sedentis Imperatoris vno gradu submissus residet primogenitus eius filius, et sub ipso ordinate in consimilibus sedibus nobiles proximi de cognitione Imperiali.

JULIA, Countess dowager Imperiali, sister of the younger Doria, aged twenty-five; a proud coquette, in person tall and full, her beauty spoiled by affectation, with a sarcastic maliciousness in her countenance; her dress black. BERTHA, daughter of Verrina, an innocent girl. ROSA, | Maids of Leonora. Several Nobles, Citizens, Germans, Soldiers, Thieves. SCENE I. A Saloon in FIESCO'S House.

I am to give your wife mixed with her chocolate. Such were the orders of Donna Julia Imperiali. Monster! monster! This lovely creature! Is there room for so much hell within a female bosom? And I forgot to thank thee, heavenly Providence, that has rendered it abortive abortive through a greater devil. Wondrous are thy ways! MOOR. Very well. The latter I can afford she paid me ready money.