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You and I, Crasweller have had our little troubles to imbitter the evenings of our life." "You are yet in the full daylight." "My ambition has been disappointed. I cannot conceal the fact from myself, nor from you. It has come to pass that during the last year or two we have lived with different hopes. And these hopes have been founded altogether on the position which you might occupy."

While it possesses the power of extracting the distasteful ingredients that imbitter the cup of adversity, it sweetens the sweetest portion of prosperous life; and such is its prevailing efficacy, that no changes can possibly deprive us of its consolations. It shall "not be taken away."

It has been reserved for our age and country, by its methods of female education, to demonstrate that it is possible in some cases to divest a woman of her chief feminine functions; in others, to produce grave and even fatal disease of the brain and nervous system; in others, to engender torturing derangements and imperfections of the reproductive apparatus that imbitter a lifetime.

What right, sir, have you to imbitter my life, to fill my days and nights with horror? I never wronged you." "But, Miss Baron, in all ages such encounters have been common enough when a man received ample provocation, as I have." "So much the worse for the ages then.

My fatal mistake was in not understanding your nature. I misconstrued your conduct from the beginning, and in doing so I have laid upon my conscience a burden which will imbitter the remaining years of my life. I would do anything in my power, if it were not too late, to atone for the wrong I have done you.

Those were the happiest moments proud, peerless Pluma Hurlhurst was ever to know "before the hour should wane the fruition of all her hopes would be attained." No feeling of remorse stole over her to imbitter the sweets of her triumphant thoughts.

But as he stood there eating, with his glass in his hand, and looked round the dear old office where they had spent so many pleasant hours, and then thought that they were to lose all this and imbitter their lives for a whim, a sudden burst of passion, the whole situation appeared to him so preposterous that he almost burst out laughing.

I saw that my troubled air and broken voice had not escaped the soldier's notice, and was glad when the door closed, and I was again alone. My first care was to write to the general; nor was it till after many efforts I succeeded to my satisfaction in conveying, in a few and simple words, the reasons of that step which must imbitter my future life.

All that kindness and skill could effect was gratuitously done for him, and every thing freely supplied by our medical friends; but they admitted that no permanent relief could be given, and I always hold it cruel to imbitter the dying season with applications that in the end increase the sufferings they temporarily subdue.

This, for that instant, did 'benumb' the sinews of my 'best' delights, and did imbitter my former pleasures to me; but behold, it lasted not, for before I had well dined, the trouble began to go off my mind, and my heart returned to its old course: but oh!