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Only a single phrase detached itself and stood out clearly amid her mutterings, "Hope it chokes you." Peter arranged his chair and table with reference to the window, so he could look up the street while he was eating his dinner. The ill-wishing Rose had again furnished a gourmet's meal, but Peter's preoccupation prevented its careful and appreciative gustation.

'Silence! said Stephen, staunch to Elfride in spite of himself. 'She would harm nobody wilfully, never would she! How do you come here? 'I saw the two coming up the path, and wanted to learn if she were not one of them. Can I help disliking her if I think of the past? Can I help watching her if I remember my boy? Can I help ill-wishing her if I well-wish him?

"I'd be very glad to ask her in wedlock, if she'd hae me and take the risk of her wild dark eyes ill-wishing me," said Grandfer Cantle staunchly. "Don't ye say it, Father!" implored Christian. "Well, be dazed if he who do marry the maid won't hae an uncommon picture for his best parlour," said Fairway in a liquid tone, placing down the cup of mead at the end of a good pull.

As I sat there I was soon possessed with a disagreeable feeling that a malignant, ill-wishing presence hovered near. I shifted in my seat uneasily. I looked up. There stood, in the doorway, the lusty young farmer who was in for stealing the bales of cotton. He wore an evil, combative leer on his face. He was "spoiling" for a quarrel just for the mere sake of quarrelling that I could see.

"I dunno, sir; I dunno," said David thoughtfully. "Why, David, you don't believe in witches and ill-wishing, and all that sort of stuff, do you?" "Me, sir?" cried the gardener; "not likely. But it's just as well to be the safe side o' the hedge, you know, in case there might be something in it." Tom laughed, and David shook his head solemnly. "Why, I believe you do believe in it all," said Tom.

"Are you willing to sell her now, Tom?" cried cruel old Madge, popping her head round the door of the pig-sty one day, when Tom was feeding the animal. "No, and I wouldn't sell her to you for her weight in gold," cried Tom, too desperate now to care whether he offended the woman or not. "So get home to your own house, you ill-wishing cross-grained old witch!" Madge Figgy only smiled.

Take that old woman home," cried the Vicar fiercely; but no one stirred. "What, are you all afraid of her?" "She'll get cursing and ill-wishing us if we do, sir," said one of the men present. "I'll take her home, sir," cried David. "Don't s'pose she'll hurt me much if she do. Come along, old lady, and you, Pete, take hold of her other arm."

I inclined to think the gloomier way the less ghastly. But then, I asked myself, was my analogy a sound one? We are at the mercy of Labour, certainly; and Labour does not love us; and Labour is not deeply versed in statecraft. But would an unskilled surgeon, however ill-wishing, care to perform a drastic operation on a patient by whose death he himself would forthwith perish?

"I'd be very glad to ask her in wedlock, if she'd hae me, and take the risk of her wild dark eyes ill-wishing me," said Grandfer Cantle staunchly. "Don't ye say it, father!" implored Christian. "Well, be dazed if he who do marry the maid won't hae an uncommon picture for his best parlour," said Fairway in a liquid tone, placing down the cup of mead at the end of a good pull.

It was a muggy overcast day, a poor day to give men stomach for fighting; drum and fife were silent that the enemy might have no unnecessary warning of their coming; and so with an ill-wishing community behind their backs and the foe in front, the troops set out under circumstances as depressing as could well occur.