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And yet it is not so ill-timed as those absurd and inconsistent tears of yours. Then you ought to have wept, when our arms were taken from us, our ships burnt, and we were forbidden to engage in foreign wars, for that was the wound by which we fell. Nor is it just that you should suppose that the measures which the Romans have adopted towards you have been dictated by animosity.

"Pshaw! doctor," replied Colman, sarcastically, "don't be frightened at a squib, when we've been sitting these two hours on a barrel of gunpowder!" Though of a most forgiving nature Goldsmith did not easily forget this ungracious and ill-timed sally.

"It won't take long to examine the indications those claims are based on." "It's a ticklish period," objected Thorne. "I hate to embarrass the Administration with anything ill-timed. We have much to do straightening out what we now have on hand. You must remember we are short of men; we can't spare many now." "I'll tell you," suggested Amy. "Put it up to the Chief.

At Orleans, the mayor and sheriffs in full dress presented themselves at our carriage window, and were about to deliver an address "to please the King;" but I thought such a proceeding ill-timed, and my niece De Nevers told these magnates that we were travelling incognito. Crowds collected below our balcony.

"Have you got any money?" said Mr. Spriggs, after a long pause. "I left it behind me in Australia," said Mr. Price, with ill-timed facetiousness. "Getting better, ain't you?" said his brother-in-law, sharply. "How's that broken 'art getting on?"

You can imagine that this has not contributed to make life here more pleasant, for my father cannot bring himself to forgive me. Of course, I don't wonder at his anger. I should be just the same myself. It does look like a shocking breach of professional honour, and a sad disregard of his interests. If he knew the truth he would see that it was nothing worse than a silly ill-timed boyish joke.

Nothing certain can be said as yet, "whether all is lost or may yet be saved; that must depend upon the movements of the Emperor." Yet it was the hand of the emperor which he had advised the King of Naples to force, by his ill-timed advance.

Are you going round the world in a bee-line? Do you carry a portable canoe?" "I was in the diligence," said the woman, not choosing to notice such ill-timed levity, "and we were stopped by the Carlists and I escaped and I'm trying to find my way to some safe place but I cannot I cannot."

Then there are very ill-timed interruptions, and wearisome disquisitions, just where they should not be. Yet are there passages of perfect excellence, that prove the master-hand of the author.

I'll have a word with him first, at any rate, and see what I can make out of him." "Be careful, Jim," she whispered, all the strain and anger occasioned by my ill-timed insult disappearing in her anxiety for my welfare. I ignored her admonition, more because I could think of no suitable reply than for any other reason, and addressed myself to the captive. "Get up," I said.