United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They sat with their profiles towards me on either side of the round table. Both of them were smoking cigars, and coffee and wine were in front of them. Stapleton was talking with animation, but the baronet looked pale and distrait. Perhaps the thought of that lonely walk across the ill-omened moor was weighing heavily upon his mind.

'Get her her pipe. In the name of the Gods, get her her pipe and stop her ill-omened mouth, cried an Oorya, tying up his shapeless bundles of bedding. 'She and the parrots are alike. They screech in the dawn. 'The lead-bullocks! Hai! Look to the lead-bullocks! They were backing and wheeling as a grain-cart's axle caught them by the horns.

"It will brisken you up," says he. "This will be an ill journey for some one," I said. "I think, sir, for you. Something speaks in my bosom; and so much it says plain that this is an ill-omened journey." "If you take to prophecy," says he, "listen to that." There came up a violent squall off the open Solway, and the rain was dashed on the great windows.

They are two feet and over in length of body, and measure six feet from tip to tip of the wings, or about the size of a large Rhode Island turkey. Employing these birds for the removal of refuse is a remedy almost as bad as the disease, since the habits of the huge, ungainly, ill-omened creatures are extremely disgusting.

Martin breathed freely, and lessons began. Yet she was nervously conscious, meanwhile, of a more ill-omened occurrence. This was the non-arrival of several of her oldest pupils, notably, the refractory and incorrigible Pike County contingent to whom Sperry had alluded.

The motives which had formerly influenced her to forbid her "little Mary" ever to begin anything important on a Friday, or ever to imperil her prosperity by walking under a ladder, were precisely the motives by which she was now actuated in determining to prevent the presentation of young Thorpe's ill-omened gift.

There was now no doubt about it; on that ill-omened night the Freiherr, after his servant had left him, must have taken one of his usual walks to the postern, where he had been most likely suddenly seized with dizziness, and had fallen over.

The inclination of the wall was so vertical that it did not even rest me to lean against it. I felt with my hands and with my feet. Surely, I thought, there must be some fissure like those in which that ill-omened weed had found a place for its root! "There was none. My fingers became sore in busying themselves with the harsh and inhospitable stones.

The storm was over; the great clouds had disburdened their snow and fled farther on, and the new day was breaking on a merry winter landscape sheathed in white. A bustle of church officers followed; the bier was carried forth to the deadhouse, and the stains of blood were cleansed from off the tiles, that no such ill-omened spectacle should disgrace the marriage of Lord Shoreby.

In the last particular he was disappointed. After beating in vain for the greater part of the morning, a fox was at length found, who led us a chase of two hours, in the course of which, notwithstanding the ill-omened French binding upon my hat, I sustained my character as a horseman to the admiration of my uncle and Miss Vernon, and the secret disappointment of those who expected me to disgrace it.