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Wayland tossed the soft felt from the pocket of his leather coat. "Oh, A saw 'em plain enough; same ill-lookin' six that y'r hell-kite laws hatch on a bad frontier! Make no mistake. Yon white vest is at the bottom o' this deviltry! Who is he, Wayland?" Wayland related the visit of a white-vest to his Ridge cabin; and they trotted forward towards a sheep wagon.

"'Oh! you've come to, have you? says he, and he takes a pipe from de table and he whistles. "And den a bad-lookin' man comes down. And says de captain to him: "'Jack, bundle dis 'oman out'n here and put her into the steerage. "And de ill-lookin' man he says to me: "'Come along, blacky! "And so I up and followed him to de deck, 'cause why not?

Pottie was juist in the middle o' a great hallach o' a lauch, when I grippit him by the collar. He swallowed the rest o' his lauch, I can tell you. "What hae ye dune till my man, ye nesty, clorty, ill-lookin', mischeevious footer?" I says, giein' him a shak' that garred him turn up the white o' his een.

After we had landed above the p'int, as Francois told ye, Dick Prince and me went up one o' the gullies, an' then gettin' on one o' them flat places that run along the face of all the mountains hereabouts, we pushed straight up the river. We had not gone far when, on turnin' a p'int, we both clapped eyes at the same moment on the most ill-lookin' blackguard of a wolf I ever saw.

I meant nothin' by kissin' the Injun; but I s'pose Marian thort I did: she'd already talked to me 'bout this very girl; an' I believe war a leetle bit jealous o' her for the Injun ain't to say ill-lookin'. I wanted to 'pologise to Marian; but she wouldn't listen to a word; an' went off in a way I niver seed her in before. 'Twar the last time I ever set eyes on her." "Indeed."