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Marcus and the father exchanged pleasant looks, and the former said, with an ill-assumed sternness: "Then I don't advance another cent to him. I have named my conditions, and they must be accepted. You have no idea, Pet, what a tremendously obstinate fellow I am when I'm roused." Nobody could have gathered the idea from his intensely amiable face at that moment.

There was nothing else noticeable about him. Jermin, with ill-assumed suavity, at once obeyed the order, and the ship's head soon pointed out to sea. Now, contempt is as frequently produced at first sight as love; and thus was it with respect to Wilson. No one could look at him without conceiving a strong dislike, or a cordial desire to entertain such a feeling the first favourable opportunity.

Ralph was out again before breakfast, wandering up and down the banks of the stream where the wood hid him, and then he made up his mind that he would at once write again to Sir Thomas Underwood. He must immediately make it understood that that suggestion which he had made in his ill-assumed pride of position must be abandoned.

There was also a suggestion of effort before he went on: “I suppose you know how he got hold of her?” in a tone of ease which was astonishingly ill-assumed for such a worldly, self-controlled, drawing-room person. Mills changed his attitude to look at him fixedly for a moment.

"Very pleasant indeed, thank you, sir," Arnold replied. "Mrs. Weatherley send any message?" her husband asked, with ill-assumed indifference. "None at all, sir." Mr. Weatherley sighed. He seemed a little disappointed. "Did you lunch at the Carlton?" "We took our coffee there afterwards," Arnold said. "We lunched at a small foreign restaurant near Oxford Street." "The Count Sabatini was there?"

They consisted of stout women in peculiar costumes, of those shopkeepers' wives from the suburbs, who made up for the distinguished looks which they did not possess by ill-assumed dignity; of men tired from office-work, with yellow faces, stooped shoulders, and with one shoulder higher than the other, in consequence of, their long hours of writing at a desk.

Being of royal descent they still bore a royal name even in my day; but it was told of them that the last, who had been asked to withdraw from the school, on one occasion when, half drunk, he was defending himself from the gibes and jeers of grooms and 'ostlers whom he had made his companions, rose with ill-assumed dignity and with an oath declared that he was their king by divine right if only he had his dues.

So, with a view to arrest any aggressive gush, she said, with some asperity, "I am glad you have come, for I wanted to tell you, Cecil, how bad it looked your walking off in that way with Major Fane." "I suppose it was rather strong," said the girl coolly; "but I like him so much. I had no idea he was so nice." Mrs. Rolleston took refuge in the ill-assumed dignity of rising anger.