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"A, ileo-colic artery; B and F, posterior cecal artery; C, appendicular artery; E, appendicular artery for free end; H, artery for basal end of appendix; 1, ascending or right colon; 2, external sacculus of the cecum; 3, appendix; 6, ileum; D, arteries on the dorsal surface of the ileum." Byron Robinson. The reader will see how very much like a blind pouch the cecum is, 2.

When pressing the abdomen with both hands, a hard substance was distinctly felt in the inferior part of the umbilical region. She was destroyed, and, upon 'post-mortem' examination, a calculus was discovered in the ileum about the size and shape of a hen's egg, the nucleus of which was a portion of hair.

Wallace reports a case of spontaneous rupture of the abdominal wall, following a fit of coughing. The skin was torn and a large coil of ileum protruded, uncovered by peritoneum. After protracted exposure of the bowel it was replaced, the rent was closed, and the patient recovered.

For several weeks after the injury the horse may be unable to use the limb, but it may eventually make nearly a complete recovery. This condition involves the heavy gluteal muscles and may occur as a complication of azoturia, or a lameness of the hind limb that is usually due to a spavin. It is very seldom necessary to give fractures of the ileum any special care.

The alimentary mucous membrane, especially that of the lower ileum and cæcum, is exposed to infection by swallowed sputum and by food materials, such as milk, containing tubercle bacilli.

A somewhat similar case was that of a man who died in the Hotel-Dieu in 1833. The ileum of this man contained 92 shot and 120 plum stones. Buckler reports a case of appendicitis in a child of twelve, in which a common-sized bird-shot was found in the appendix.

In making an examination of these parts the examiner should see that the horse is standing squarely on its feet, and then compare the conformation of the two quarters. Fractures of either the external angle or the neck of the ileum cause the quarter to appear narrow and low. A close examination may enable the examiner to differentiate between the two fractures.

Rest is a necessary part of the treatment early in the inflammation. If the lameness does not respond to the above treatment, it should be treated the same as for bone spavin. Describe the different fractures of the ileum and give treatment. Describe string-halt lameness and give treatment. What is bone spavin? Describe spavin lameness. Give the causes and treatment of bog spavin.

Into this portion opens the bile duct from the liver with the duct from the pancreas, these having been first united and then entering the intestine as a common duct. The next portion of the intestine is called the jejunum, because it is usually empty after death. The remaining portion is named the ileum, because of the many folds into which it is thrown.

Such fractures are due to accidental causes, as striking the point of the haunch on the door frame when hurrying through a narrow doorway and falling on frozen ground. Fractures of the external angle of the ileum or point of haunch are usually followed by displacement of the fractured portion. The same is true of fractures of the neck of the ileum. The result is a deformity of the quarter.