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The name of "river" in the Chinese misleads the reader, and he thinks of crossing it as of crossing a stream; but they had to traverse it from east to west. In his "Vocabulary of Proper Names," p. 23, Dr. Porter Smith says: "It extends from the eastern frontier of Mongolia, south-westward to the further frontier of Turkestan, to within six miles of Ilchi, the chief town of Khoten.

The man was stooping over the irna and muttering: "Okinchincha quin appani ilchi ilchi-a." He said this three times, moved the irna to a new place, and then began a new curse: "Purtulinga apina-a intaapa inkirilia quin appani intarpakala-a." This went on for some time and then Arrkroo got up and walked away, leaving the irna in the ground.

The town of the same name, now called Ilchi, is in an extensive plain on the Khoten river, in lat. 37d N., and lon. 80d 35s E. After the Tungani insurrection against Chinese rule in 1862, the Mufti Haji Habeeboolla was made governor of Khoten, and held the office till he was murdered by Yakoob Beg, who became for a time the conqueror of all Chinese Turkestan.