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These contiguous sensations, which occasionally exemplify the logical contrasts in ideas and give them incidental existence, were either ignored altogether and dismissed as unmeaning, or admitted merely as illusions. The eye was to be trained to pass from that parti-coloured chaos to the firm lines and permanent divisions that were supposed to sustain it and frame it in.

Ives had entirely ignored Johnson, as well as Johnson's skill in navigating this river, and also his powerful steamboats. The appropriation under which Ives was working was one which had originally been made for Johnson, after a visit of his to Washington, but from several causes it had been switched over to the War Department.

Hence comparatively speaking Zwingli was ignored by the authorities. Half Switzerland might and did revolt from the Pope, without greatly exercising the Papal mind.

In this way, no concentration of troops will be ignored and no surprise attack will be possible. The attack against the enemy positions will be rendered easier because all the details of these positions will be thoroughly known beforehand. The artillery fire will be much more accurate.

The famous walnut buffet, eighty feet in length, was besieged by an army of customers, chiefly women, who were competing for food in a manner which ignored even the rudiments of politeness.

She carefully ignored them; so did George. As soon as she had seized the wheel, released the brake and started the car, she began to talk, looking negligently about her. George thought: "She's only showing off." Still, the car travelled beautifully, and there was a curious illusion that she must have the credit for that.

Later, in consequence of some little indiscretions of her brother at the time when he was set free in the world the result of the popular superstition held by him that "the world owed him a living," she held herself aloof from and ignored him completely. By degrees Mrs. Arthur's eyes became opened to the true character of the man she had married.

Experienced as he was, he had never come across a fact so incredible as this fact. And the compulsion of believing it occupied his forces to such an extent that he had no force left to be wise. He did not observe the icy, darting challenge in her eye, and he ignored the danger in her voice. "All as I can say is you ought to be ashamed o' yourself, lass!" he said, sharply.

A letter from Dad and another from Muriel; both for you!" Nick stretched out his hand to her. "Come over here, kiddie! We'll read them together." She sprang to him, knelt beside him, and warmly hugged him. Max remained propped against the mantelpiece, looking on, ignored by both. "Muriel's first!" commanded Nick; and, with hands that shook, Olga slit open the envelope.

Then Field's hand came quietly forth and grasped the other man's shoulder, turning him about. "I should like a word with you," he said. They descended the stairs together, Burleigh Wentworth leading the way. Down in the vestibule they faced each other again. There was antagonism in the atmosphere though it was not visible upon either man's countenance, and each ignored it as it were instinctively.