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Now Iffley knows that you have no protection, and he has the power of getting hold of you. From what I hear, he's just the man to use it. If you was his bosom friend, he'd do it; but if he owes you a grudge, depend on it he'll not let you slip out of his gripe.

Ley began to hum and haw and look uncomfortable. "I'd rather not say, sir," whined out Ley, "if it is not necessary." "But it is necessary," thundered out the captain, evidently annoyed at the man's coolness and canting hypocrisy. "Who is he? or you get the four dozen awarded you." I had watched all along the countenance of Iffley.

While preparations were being made, the miserable wretch looked round on every side, as if seeking for some one who could save him from the punishment he was about to receive. Not a glance of pity did he get from his messmates. They knew him too well. At last he looked towards Iffley. I saw them exchange glances.

While the boats were going backwards and forwards between the ships, I had observed in one of them a man whose countenance bore, I thought, a remarkable resemblance to that of Charles Iffley. Still I could not fancy it was Iffley himself.

An obelisk marks the spot where two men have already been drowned, while bathing there; and the steps of the obelisk are generally used as a diving-board by young men now who wish to see if the place really IS dangerous. Iffley Lock and Mill, a mile before you reach Oxford, is a favourite subject with the river-loving brethren of the brush.

I begged him, if he could find him, to take a message to him from me, and to assure him that far from bearing him any ill-will, I would gladly welcome him as an old friend. Several days passed by, and I heard nothing of Iffley. The fears of my dear wife in consequence at length subsided, and she began to see that, after all, she had probably thought worse of my old shipmate than he deserved.

Iffley, of course, did not speak, but his looks said something which gave the other courage. "Captain," said the man, turning round to our captain, "you are going to make the innocent suffer for the guilty. I wanted to shield a shipmate; but he will be found out at last, I know, and I shall only suffer without doing any one any good, otherwise I could have borne the punishment willingly."

All this time, neither Trickett, or rather Charles Iffley, nor the fellow who called himself Reginald Berkeley, had appeared among us. They came at last, as if sauntering by, and joining in, asked the men what they were talking about. Several again went over the list of their grievances. "It's not to be borne!" cried Iffley.

Iffley cast a glance of disappointed spite towards me as he heard this, and walked away. I was again a free man.

Chief of all the boating-man goes out in an eight, and rows down to Iffley, with the beautiful old mill and Norman church, or accomplishes "the long course." The table where men sit who are in training is a noisy table, and the athletes verge on "bear-fighting" even in hall.