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He goes without a beard and wears a coat of a western cut; he is an idler, a debauchee, a drunkard, a thief, and yet he assumes airs of consequence before the peasant, whom he disdains, and from whose labor he draws his own subsistence and his poll-tax.

Ah, have you ever noted a poor dog deserted by its master, or rather not deserted, for that you know is not my case yet," added Isora, playfully, "but left at home while the master went abroad? have you noted how restless the poor animal is; how it refuses all company and all comfort; how it goes a hundred times a day into the room which its master is wont mostly to inhabit; how it creeps on the sofa or the chair which the same absent idler was accustomed to press; how it selects some article of his very clothing, and curls jealously around it, and hides and watches over it as I have hid and watched over this glove, Morton?

What busy days we spent in May or June, caulking and scraping and painting, splicing and repairing, making the little Idler ready for the sea again! She was an eighteen-foot cat, a bit of a tub, I fear, but the best on the Pond in her day, eating up close into the wind, sensitive, alert, with a pair of white heels she had shown to many a larger craft.

"I know not; but no one else has any interest in doing so. The man kept at a distance, and Giacomo could not see his face." "It may be but a mere idler. Is this all?" "No; the old woman who serves us said that she was asked at a shop 'if we were not Italians'?" "And she answered?" "'No; but owned that 'we had a foreign servant, Giacomo." "I will see to this.

If he suspected a man of possessing adequate means, he might command him to erect a fine residence so as to improve the appearance of the capital. If he met an idler in the streets, he would belabor him with his cane and probably put him in the army.

See ante, ii. 59, note 1. See ante, iii. 368. 'Every man wishes to be wise, and they who cannot be wise are almost always cunning ... nor is caution ever so necessary as with associates or opponents of feeble minds. The Idler, No. 92. In a letter to Dr. ''Gainst fools be guarded; 'tis a certain rule, Wits are safe things, there's danger in a fool. See ante, p. 173.

She is mad about acting, and there's nothing I like better." "Also, you simply have to have occupation." She nodded. "I wasn't brought up to fit me for an idler. When I was a child I was taught to keep busy not at nothing, but at something. Freddie's a lot better at it than I." "Naturally," said Brent. "You had a home, with order and a system an old-fashioned American home. He well, he hadn't."

It was in this bout on the Idler that I discovered what a good stomach and a strong head I had for drink a bit of knowledge that was to be a source of pride in succeeding years, and that ultimately I was to come to consider a great affliction. The fortunate man is the one who cannot take more than a couple of drinks without becoming intoxicated.

After these first explanations, Mulford walked round the decks, carefully felt how much strain there was on the purchases, and rejoined Rose to report that all was right, and that he did not consider it necessary to call even the cook. The black was an idler in no sense but that of keeping watch, and he had toiled the past day as much as any of the men, though it was not exactly at the pumps.

He comes and wipes away some spilled wine, and his hands shine and drip, like a butcher's. "I'm forgetting to tell you," cried Crillon, "that they had news of your regiment a few days ago. Little Mélusson's had his head blown to bits in an attack. Here, y'know; he was a softy and an idler. Well, he was attacking like a devil. War remakes men like that!" "Termite?" I asked. "Ah, yes!