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He said to me the other day, with a /sang-froid/ worthy of the iciest Chillingly, "I mean to be Prime Minister of England: it is only a question of time." Now, if Chillingly Gordon is to be Prime Minister, it will be because the increasing cold of our moral and social atmosphere will exactly suit the development of his talents.

He had taken in but a portion of his host's remarks; his thoughts were not of dogs and cats but of the perplexing girl who eagerly gave him her confidence in one moment and shrank into the iciest reticence the next.

A bright day of iciest tramontana, cutting you in two in the square, under the colonnades, and in the narrow chink-opening of the great green bronze doors. Almost entirely empty, that great round place, the light, the cold haunting its grey dome. At the high-altar some priests in purple; the Crucifix and pictures veiled in violet silk.

"Why then she'd make a very handsome Viscountess, Dick." "Beverley," said the Viscount, staring wide-eyed, "are you mad?" "No," Barnabas retorted, "but I take you to be an honorable man, my Lord." The Viscount sprang to his feet, clenched his fists, then took two or three turns across the room. "Sir," said he, in his iciest tones, "you presume too much on my friendship."

In the iciest hours of winter nights, she must ascend to the roof of her dwelling-house, and there sing and play till the blood oozes from her fingers and the voice dies in her throat. The desired result is an atrocious cold. After a period of hoarse whispering, her voice changes its tone and strengthens. She is ready to become a public singer and dancer.

"Yes," drawled another, deeper voice, "the Duchess introduced him to me. Who the deuce is he, Chichester?" "My dear Carnaby, pray ask Devenham, or Jerningham, he's their protege not mine." "Sir," broke in the Viscount's voice, speaking at its very iciest, "Mr. Beverley is my friend!" "And mine also, I trust!" thus the Marquis. "Exactly!" rejoined Mr.

"Shall you be home for supper?" she asked, in her iciest tone. He had not thought of going out before. The question, and the manner of it, gave immediate urgency to the idea of going somewhere. "I may or I may not," he replied. "It is quite impossible for me to say." He turned on his heel with this, and walked briskly out of the yard and down the street.

Not one of the loftiest, haughtiest ladies at the court has ever been able to withstand them they have thawed the iciest, most immaculate of them all; and besides, it surely cannot fail to flatter the pride of this disdainful, high-spirited little actress to have a real duke actually and openly kneeling at her feet.

But in February, when everything was at its coldest and iciest, Charley came back, Charley or his ghost, for the tall, thin, starved-looking ragged boy set down at the gate was very unlike the stout, rosy lad of the year before.

Of these mountains Rainier, in Washington, is the highest and iciest. Its dome-like summit, between 14,000 and 15,000 feet high, is capped with ice, and eight glaciers, seven to twelve miles long, radiate from it as a center, and form the sources of the principal streams of the State.