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'Why, said Ichabod, 'when that old longaway grandfeyther o' thine was away a-fighting for Cromwell, 'tis said his neighbour turned the brook so as to bring in four-score acres o' land as ud niver have been his by right.

Dickory, swift as a stag, stretched out both his arms and threw them around the neck of the amazed Mr. Delaplaine. Now the pirate Ichabod reached the two; his great sword went high in air, and was about to descend upon the naval person, whoever he was, who had made such an unprovoked attack upon his honoured passenger, when his arm was caught by some one from behind.

Ichabod Crane had a soft and foolish heart towards the sex, and it is not to be wondered at that so tempting a morsel soon found favor in his eyes, more especially after he had visited her in her paternal mansion. Old Baltus Van Tassel was a perfect picture of a thriving, contented, liberal-hearted farmer.

Certain it is, this was not the case with the redoubtable Brom Bones; and from the moment Ichabod Crane made his advances, the interests of the former evidently declined; his horse was no longer seen tied at the palings on Sunday nights, and a deadly feud gradually arose between him and the preceptor of Sleepy Hollow.

"I might have been called Lactantius." "Lactantius! Impossible. Was there ever a man named Lactantius?" "Certainly." "'Tain't any worse than Ichabod," remarked Mrs. Starling. "Nothing can be worse than Ichabod," said Mr. Masters in the same dry way. "It means, 'The glory is departed." "The Ichabods I knew, never had any glory to begin with," said Mrs. Starling.

Last winter her mother sent for me, and begged me to take her. I could not refuse, for she was dying of consumption; so I promised. The poor woman died, in the bitterest weather, and a few days after Ichabod brought Fanny here, and told me he had done with womankind forever. Fanny was sulky and silent for a long time. I thought she never would get warm.

Precentors, vicars, and choristers might hang up their harps on the willows. Ichabod! Ichabod! The glory of their house was departing from them. Mr Slope, great as he was with embryo grandeur, still came to see the signora. Indeed, he could not keep himself away.

She knew that with diffident persons no time should be lost, for, if interrupted, it often happened that they did not begin again. "Then I suppose," she said, her face turned up towards him, but her eyes cast down, "that you are going to say that you would like to marry me?" "Of course, of course," exclaimed Ichabod; "I thought you knew that that is what I came here for, bedad."

The Reddy o' that day died in the wars, and his widder could mek no head again the Mountain lot; but her taught her son to hate 'em and look down upon 'em, and hated an' looked down upon is the name on 'em from that day to this. 'But Joe Mountain didn't do it, said Master Richard. 'No, no, assented Ichabod. 'But it's i' this way. It's i' the blood.

Ichabod never returned to Tarrytown, and when Brom Bones, a stout young ploughman and taphaunter, married Katrina, people made bold to say that he knew more about the galloping Hessian than any one else, though they believed that he never had reason to be jealous of Ichabod Crane.