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In a word, let the church be to the family that larger home where families live together their life of fellowship and service in the spirit and purpose of religion and where there is a natural place for everyone. I. References for Study H.W. Hulbert, The Church and Her Children, chaps. i-v. Revell, $1.00. H.F. Cope, Efficiency in the Sunday School, chaps. xiv-xvi. Doran, $1.00.

III , ch. i-vi; W. H. Woodward, A Short History of the Expansion of the British Empire, 1500-1911, 3d ed. , ch. i-v; A. T. Story, The Building of the British Empire , Part I, 1558-1688; H. C. Morris, The History of Colonization , Vol. I, Part III, ch. x- xii, Vol. II, ch. xvi-xviii.

This can be done, provided we really know the books, not by saying, "We should like you to read Sandford and Merton," but rather, "There is a capital story in Captains Courageous; have any of you read it?" Leave the matter there, or, at most, go only far enough to stimulate interest. I. References for Study St. John, Stories and Story Telling, chaps. i-v. Eaton & Mains, $0.50.

IV, V. F. Paulsen, book II, chap. I. J. S. Mill, Utilitarianism. B. P. Bowne, Principles of Ethics, chap. For refinements in the definition of right and wrong, see G. E. Moore, Ethics, chaps. I-V; B. Russell, Philosophical Essays, I, secs. II, III. International Journal of Ethics, vol. 24, p. 293.

See also H. A. L. Fisher, The Republican Tradition in Europe , ch. i-vii; and Emile Bourgeois, Manuel historique de politique etrangere, 4th ed., Vol. II , ch. i-v, vii. I-IV, by Jaures himself, treat of the years 1789-1794, and Vol. VIII, a collection of scholarly monographs on various phases of the Revolution; Cambridge Modern History, Vol.

A. F. Pollard, Factors in European History , ch. i on "Nationality" and ch. iii on "The New Monarchy"; Cambridge Modern History, Vol. I, ch. xiv, xii, xi; Histoire generale, Vol. IV, ch. xiii, iv, v; History of All Nations, Vol. X, ch. xii-xvi; A. H. Johnson, Europe in the Sixteenth Century , ch. i, ii; Mary A. Hollings, Renaissance and Reformation , ch. i-v.

XII. A. Bain, The Emotions and the Will, part II, chap. IX. L. H. Gulick, in World's Work, vol. 15, p. 9797. Bossuet, Connaissance de Dieu et de Soi meme, chap. III, sec. 19. St. Augustine, Confessions, book VIII, chap. V. Janet, Elements de Morale, chap. X, sec. 3. W. L. Sheldon, An Ethical Movement, chap. X. A. Bennett, The Human Machine, chaps. I-V. O. S. Marden, Every Man a King.

J. Sully, Children's Ways, chap. x. Appleton, $1.25. II. Further Reading Patterson Du Bois, The Culture of Justice, chaps. i-v. Dodd, Mead & Co., $0.75. E.H. Abbott, The Training of Parents. Houghton Mifflin Co., $1.00. M. Wood-Allen, Making the Best of Our Children. 2 vols. McClurg, $1.00 each. H.Y. Campbell, Practical Motherhood. Longmans, $2.50. III. Topics for Discussion

"The flower that smiles to-day To-morrow dies; All that we wish to stay, Tempts and then flies: What is this world's delight? Lightning that mocks the night, Brief even as bright." Shelley, "Mutability," 11. i-v. The picture next presented, by the point of land that the unfortunate Hurons had selected for their last place of encampment, need scarcely be laid before the eyes of the reader.