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'I-I-I never did see such a creetur as that Toots, said Susan, 'in all my born days never! 'So kind, suggested Florence. 'And so comic! Susan sobbed. 'The way he's been going on inside with me with that disrespectable Chicken on the box! 'About what, Susan? inquired Florence, timidly.

"Nory," he resumed solemnly, "did ever any feller say anything to you about my I-I-I well, my lovin' you?" "I should say not!" said Nora. "I'd a' slapped his face, mighty quick! What business " "Not never a single one?" said Sam, his face brightening. "No, 'ndeed. Why, I'd like to know? Did you ever ask any one to!"

Nor did she rouse from her reverie till somebody close at hand demanded: "I-I-I say! W-w-what's that?" Instantly upon her feet she faced the intruder, vainly trying to hide with her short skirts the glittering casket, as she demanded, in return: "How dare you come upon a person that way? Why you might have frightened me into a fit. I don't like to be scared." "Oh, f-f-fudge!

"I-I-I di-dn't touch her!" he protested. "O h!" said little Aleck Sinclair, who had been enjoying Jimmie's prank hugely; "he was " "That'll do, Aleck, I didn't ask you. James is quite able to tell me himself. Now, James!" "I-I-I was only just doing that," said Jimmie, sober enough now, and terrified at the results of his mischief.

I call it a bi . . . it is, in short, a gem. But I shall have to go. Young Rolles offered to expostulate with his aunt Angela. The General said, 'Tha . . . I thank you very much. I would not have her ladyship suppose I am so susceptible. I hardly know, he confessed pitiably, 'what it is right to say, and what not what not. I-I-I never know when I am not looking a fool.

"An elegant horse! and by my sergeant! Why really, sir, I-I-I don't understand all this!"

I call it a bi... it is, in short, a gem. But I shall have to go. Young Rolles offered to expostulate with his aunt Angela. The General said, 'Tha... I thank you very much. I would not have her ladyship suppose I am so susceptible. I hardly know, he confessed pitiably, 'what it is right to say, and what not what not. I-I-I never know when I am not looking a fool.

This he was wont to do, and, after emitting them through his silky beard, he would draw in his breath through parted teeth, as a child does when it has the taste of peppermint in its mouth. "I-I-I t-tell you, a boy in a kindergarten could get it right a g-g-guttersnipe could. This was so much like what they yell from a fire-engine that, though I struggled hard, I could not contain a giggle.

"Oh, J-J-Jerry!" cried the weeping girl, "I-I-I want to see the circus too." At that appeal Jerry felt as though his heart had stopped beating and was sinking down into his bare feet. He winked hard to keep the tears from coming. He just couldn't bear to see Celia Jane so heartbroken about not being able to see the circus.

An aristocratic neighbor of hers, with whom she was slightly acquainted, driving with his daughter in the vicinity of her very humble suburban residence, overtook her walking along the road one very hot day, and, stopping his carriage, asked her to let him have the pleasure of taking her home; when she instantly declined, with the characteristic excuse that she had just come from the market gardener's: "And, my lord, I-I-I have my pocket f-f-full of onions," an unsophisticated statement of facts which made them laugh extremely.