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Will that do, Walter?’ added the saucy girl, turning to him and putting her arm round his neck, as he stood leaning upon the sill of the window‘or should I have said that you are sorry you were so touchy? or that you hope she will pardon your offence?’ ‘You silly girl! you don’t know what you are talking about,’ replied he gravely. ‘Indeed I don’t: for I’m quite in the dark!’

Rosscott began it all by having the highest cart and the fastest cob in the stables and making for the forest just as the clock was tolling ten. "Do you want a groom?" asked Burnett, who was occasionally very cruel. "Well, I’m not going to wait for him to get ready now," replied his sister, who had sharp wits and did not disdain to give even her own family the benefit of them.

And I took him homethat is, to our clubfor he was as submissive as a childand plied him with brandy-and-water till he began to look rather brighterrather more alive, at least. ‘“Huntingdon, I’m ruined!” said he, taking the third glass from my handhe had drunk the others in dead silence.

It had suddenly come over him to wonder whether there ever had been an authentic case of heartbreak. Because he had the most terrible ache right in his left side! "But, then," Miss Lome continued, "I’m younger than she is. Her being married makes her seem young, but she’s really twenty-four. I’m only twenty." He shut his eyes, and then opened them.

‘Just so,’ said the postilion; ‘and now I’m sure I am not mistaken about you; you have taken lessons yourself, at first hand, in the college vacations, and a promising pupil you were, I make no doubt. Well, your friends will be all the happier to get you back. Has your governor much borough interest?’

He strums the music box and smears good white paper full of crow-feet and pot-hooks. A person can rot, and little does he worry.” Whereat she set the child on the floor, hastened over to the window, opened it, and put her head out as if she were on the point of choking with the heat. She leaned out over the snow-covered window sill. “I’m getting cold,” said Agnes; but Philippina never heard her.

Ah, I’m an ass!” burst out Fyodor Pavlovitch, striking himself lightly on the forehead. “Well, your monastery may stand then, Alyosha, if that’s how it is. And we clever people will sit snug and enjoy our brandy. You know, Ivan, it must have been so ordained by the Almighty Himself. Ivan, speak, is there a God or not? Stay, speak the truth, speak seriously. Why are you laughing again?”

"Ugly! Lor’ bless you, marster, is you blind? As handsome a creetur as thar is in the country!" Mr. Wilmot understood that he had used the word ugly in its wrong sense, so he said: "I do not mean to ask if the horse is ill-looking, but is he skittish?" "If marster means by that will he throw him off, I don’t think he will as long as I’m on him, but sometimes he is a leetle contrary like.

Poor Halbrane, carried up into the air like a balloon, then flung into the deep llke an avalanche! But, on the other hand, there was the iceberg which brought us to the coast, and the Tsalal boat which brought us and Captain William Guy and his three companions together. And don’t forget the current and the breeze that have pushed us on up to now, and will keep pushing us on, I’m sure of that.

“I hed my dinner down to the store,” he said taking her proposal as an invitation to dine, and turning to expectorate a mouth full of tobacco juice before continuing. “Capital sardines them air,” passing his hand over his mouth and beard in unctuous remembrance of the oily dainties. “I’m just from Cornstalk, Texas, on mu way to Grant.