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She wore a look of constraint, of half-terrified self-resolve, as of a martyr: and yet not an undoubting martyr; for as Orestes turned his head at the stir of Philammon's intrusion, and flashing with anger at the sight, motioned him fiercely back, Hypatia turned too, and as her eyes met her pupil's she blushed crimson, and started, and seemed in act to motion him back also; and then, recollecting herself, whispered something to Orestes which quieted his wrath, and composed herself, or rather sank into her place again, as one who was determined to abide the worst.

"You must excuse me," I said to my astonished wife, "for expressing myself thus in your presence; but that confounded story will be the ruin of me yet. Until it is forgotten nobody will ever take anything I write." "And you cannot expect it ever to be forgotten," said Hypatia, with tears in her eyes. It is needless for me to detail my literary efforts in the course of the next few months.

'Miriam? asked Hypatia severely. 'You know her then? How is that? 'She lodges at Eudaimon's house, as I do, answered Philammon frankly. 'Not that I ever interchanged, or wish to interchange, a word with so base a creature. 'Do not! I charge you! said Hypatia, almost imploringly. But there was now no way of avoiding her, and perforce Hypatia and her tormentress met face to face.

The wisest and best will crowd about me, and they must find my words worthy the lips that shape them and the voice that utters. And I shall learn from their wisdom. "There was Hypatia; she was both beautiful and learned," I found myself confiding to a gray squirrel in the Park, and then I laughed and ran home to make my last preparations.

The worthy burgher roared incontinently whether with pain or patriotism; and the whole array of respectabilities having found a Curtius who would leap into the gulf, joined in unanimous chorus, and saluted Orestes as Emperor; while Hypatia, amid the shouts of her aristocratic scholars, rose and knelt before him, writhing inwardly with shame and despair, and entreated him to accept that tutelage of Greek commerce, supremacy, and philosophy which was forced on him by the unanimous voice of an adoring people....

Perhaps my recent success may have made me a little careless in writing it." "I don't believe that," said Hypatia. "At any rate," I continued, "I will lay it aside, and will go to work on a new one." In due course of time I had another manuscript finished, and I sent it to my favorite periodical. It was retained some weeks, and then came back to me.

She paused, and listened in wonder. What faith had she of her own? She would at least hear what he had found.... 'Hypatia, I am older than you wiser than you, if wisdom be the fruit of the tree of knowledge. You know but one side of the medal, Hypatia, and the fairer; I have seen its reverse as well as its obverse.

Look here! here they are, the wonder-working atomies! Eat no food this day, except one of these every three hours, and come to me to-night at the house of your porter, Eudaimon, bringing with you the black agate; and then why then, what you have the heart to see, you shall see! Hypatia took the wafers, hesitating 'But what are they? 'And you profess to explain Homer?

For over and above the natural ease and dignity which accompanies physical beauty, and the modesty, self-restraint, and deep earnestness which he had acquired under the discipline of the Laura, his Greek character was developing itself in all its quickness, subtlety, and versatility, until he seemed to Hypatia some young Titan, by the side of the flippant, hasty, and insincere talkers who made up her chosen circle.

I went to him to tell me, not about the relation of the sexes, on which point I am probably as good a judge as he but about God and on that subject he told me enough to bring me back to Alexandria, that I might undo, if possible, somewhat of the wrong which I have done to Hypatia. 'What wrong have you done me?.... You are silent?