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I'll see our first sergeant, however, and find out whether there's any chance of my getting leave for the evening. If he says so, I can put it by the captain all right. Wait here, and " "I guess it won't be necessary, Corporal Hyman," broke in Hal's voice, sounding rather cool, for Hal had recognized Hyman's companion none other than Vicente Tomba. "Hello!

But space forbids us referring, even in brief detail, to the parties of James and Hyman and Dyson, and Holder, Mouncey, Hayhurst, Bradshaw, Southey; and of Scott, with the Irish party, and that of Mahony, which at the "Clay Pits," had afterwards to meet the first shock of every Kafir invasion of Lower Albany.

On the broad veranda of the barracks, well out of the rain, lounged half a hundred of the men of the Thirty-fourth. A few of them were at tables writing home letters. "Did you give my regards to the Escolta, Sergeant?" called Private Kelly, from one of the groups. "I didn't forget you, Kelly," laughed Hal. "Get those picture post cards for me?" called Corporal Hyman.

There you are, Sarge," cried Hyman, while the little Filipino dandy started, peered at the young sergeants and then scowled. "I'll try to fix it for you to get a pass to-night, Corporal," Hal went on, "if you really want one. But I don't exactly believe that you do. This native gentleman tried to butt in with us this afternoon, and at first we took it in good part. But he was too eager.

Sergeant Overton and Sergeant Terry have recognized him as one whom they saw with you in Manila." "Bah! That amounts to little. Señor Draney can deny." "But they have recognized you also, my Tomba, and so has Corporal Hyman. More, they have told Captain Cortland all they know, and all they can guess." "The dogs!" growled Vicente Tomba, his snarl showing his fine, white teeth.

"You've been under stiff enough fire, right back in the good old Rocky Mountains," retorted Corporal Hyman. "You don't need any more by way of training." "Perhaps not; but I want it, just the same. I'm a hog, ain't I?" laughed the boyish young sergeant. "No; you're simply a kid soldier," grumbled Hyman. "All the kids want a heap of fighting until after they've had it.

In despite of debts, difficulties, and the lack of commissions, Haydon, who had now been in love for five years, was married on October 10, 1821, to the young widow, Mary Hyman, who was blessed with two children, and a jointure of fifty pounds a year. His Journal for this period is full of raptures over his blissful state, as also are his letters to his friends.

Potts had written, the gentleman who received her letter registered as "Hyman Cohen, New York, N.Y.," at the City Hotel. From his manner of speech when he inquired for the Lansdale home it was seen that he seemed to be a German.

One achieved his present ambition that was Hyman. The next period of their respective developments found this pair in a fair way each to achieve a definite niche in his chosen profession. Patrolman Hyman Ginsburg, after walking post for some months, had been taken out of uniform and put into civilian garb as a plain-clothes man on the Headquarters staff. Here he was making good.

"Shall I call the guard, Sergeant, to take this little brown rat?" demanded Corporal Hyman. "No; he isn't big enough, or man enough to bother the guard with," replied young Sergeant Overton. "I'll take care of him myself." Whirling the Filipino around, Hal gave him a vigorous start, emphasized by a kick, and Vicente Tomba slid off into the darkness. Malay blood is not forgiving.