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But I didn't know any one else was there except Paddy and his hyenas." "His what, sir!" exclaimed Miss Stringer, in a voice which nearly startled Telson off the sofa. "I mean, you know, the fellows ?" "And where do you live at home?" asked Miss Stringer, determined to steer clear of this awkward topic. "Oh, London," said Telson; "do you know London?"

Beside him were two hyenas, which rumor had said were his only and constant companions. They made an excellent trio the most repulsive of beasts with the most repulsive of humans. "Five goats and a new sleeping mat," mumbled Bukawai. "Two fat goats and a sleeping mat." Momaya raised her bid; but Bukawai was obdurate.

At first we thought it was wolves, or rather hyenas and jackals since these are the wolves of Africa and some of the sounds resembled the voices of these creatures, with which we were already acquainted, from hearing them every night around the barracoons of King Dingo, and along the banks of the river.

Now, as has been said, Hadden thoroughly understood Zulu; and, when from time to time the king raised his voice, some of the words he spoke reached his ear. "What!" Cetywayo said, to a wizened and aged man who seemed to be pleading with him earnestly; "am I a dog that these white hyenas should hunt me thus? Is not the land mine, and was it not my father's before me?

They used to go into caves to catch hyenas alive, and amuse themselves by making them run in the evening on the sands of Megara between the stelae of the tombs. Their huts, which were made of mud and wrack, hung on the cliff like swallows' nests.

Bukawai returned to the outer cave mouth, filled a vessel with water at the spring which rose in the little canon close at hand and returned toward the pit. The hyenas stood before the lattice looking hungrily toward Tarzan. They had been fed in this manner before. With his water, the witch-doctor approached Tarzan and threw a portion of the contents of the vessel in the ape-man's face.

Men are closely allied to brutes, . . if the moral sense ceases to restrain them they at once leap the boundary line and give as much rein to their desires and appetites as the hyenas and tigers.

Then nobody could deny that there, all round about the heath, like a ring of darkness, lay the gloomy fir-wood, and the princess knew what it was full of, and every now and then she thought she heard the howling of its wolves and hyenas. And who could tell but some of them might break from their covert and sweep like a shadow across the heath?

A peculiarity of the land is the entire absence of woods and forests; hence also the absence of wild beasts, only hyenas, jackals, and wolves being found. Here and there, at long intervals, an oasis was observed like a smile breaking over the arid face of nature upon which a settled gloom rested nearly all the while.

If everything in the animal world has its counterpart among men, then these were the wolves, jackals and hyenas of the race at once cowardly and fierce audaciously bold when the power of numbers was on their side, and cowardly when confronted with resolution by anything like an equality of strength. Like all other roughs and rascals of whatever degree, they were utterly worthless as soldiers.