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Find out where the cellar is, and we'll go interview Hutner." "But Mr. Van Pelt, the pictures " "Sorry. I have to call the office." I turned my back on him and headed for the car. The noise was louder, and the flashes in the sky brighter it looked as though they were moving this way. Well, I didn't have any money tied up in the car, so I wasn't worried about leaving it in the street.

"And that must be the pool hall where the Leopards hang out." "You know this place?" He nodded. "I know a man named Walter Hutner. He and I went to school together, until he dropped out, couple weeks ago. He quit college to go to the Police Academy. He wanted to be a cop." I looked at him. "You're going to college?" "Sure, Mr. Van Pelt.

They've got hold of some real guns somewhere I can't exactly understand what kind of guns he means, but it sounds like something serious. He says they shot that parapet down across the street. Gosh, Mr. Van Pelt, you'd think it'd take a cannon for something like that. But it has something to do with Walt Hutner and all the Leopards, too." I said enthusiastically, "Very good, Sol. That's fine.

The boy behind the counter he had the same first name as I, Walter in both cases, though my last name is Hutner and his is, I believe, something Puerto Rican the boy behind the counter was dummying up, too. I tried to talk to him, on and off, when he wasn't busy. He wasn't busy most of the time; it was too cold for sodas. But he just didn't want to talk. Now, these kids love to talk.

Wally Hutner was a sociology major I'm journalism but we had a couple of classes together. He had a part-time job with a neighborhood council up here, acting as a sort of adult adviser for one of the gangs." "They need advice on how to be gangs?" "No, that's not it, Mr. Van Pelt. The councils try to get their workers accepted enough to bring the kids in to the social centers, that's all.