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"I give you Good-day, my friend. Well, you see the summer is now close at hand, and still we are on the wrong side of the wall." The speaker was M. Anatole Belhomme, Hyde's French friend. They had met outside a drinking-booth in the hut-town of Kadikoi. Hyde was riding a pony; the other was on foot. "Ah! my gallant Gaul, is it you?" replied Hyde. "Let's go in and jingle glasses together, hey?"

And the two guardians of order marched their prisoners through the hut-town to a wooden building at the end, where Major Shervinton dealt out a simple, rough-and-ready justice to the turbulent characters he ruled. This was precisely what Mariquita had hoped for. What she sought at all hazards was to gain speech of the provost-marshal.

"Describe him to me," asked Ledantec, to try Hyde. Hyde had seen Joe more than once in his rides through the hut-town, and his answer was perfectly satisfactory. "Did he send any message?" "Just what I have told you. I was to let you know of his arrest and of the danger you would run." Ledantec was deceived by the straightforward and unhesitating way in which Hyde told his story. "It may be so.

He must be hiding, or in disguise; and now, when her anxiety for her beloved Stanislas was at its highest pitch, she was more than ever resolved to find out somehow what Benito was doing. One afternoon, when business was rather slack at Mother Charcoal's, she seized a chance of visiting the hut-town.

Benito shook his head, groaned, and pointed to his wounded arm. "I see you have been hit; but that won't prevent your talking. Tell me exactly what happened it's your only chance; if you don't, we will wait till your arm is healed, and then hang you here in the middle of the hut-town. Come, speak out." "You will spare my life if I tell you?" "Perhaps: if it is the truth.

McKay spent the rest of the afternoon at his usual duties, and towards evening, having carefully reloaded his revolver, and filled his pockets with Russian rouble notes, which he obtained on purpose from the military chest, he mounted a tough little Tartar pony, used generally by his servant, and trotted down to the hut-town.