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At last we reached our goal and marched through a fine old carved archway into a courtyard, and thence into a draughty hall. 'You must see the Sektionschef, said our guide. I looked round to see if we were all there, and noticed that Hussin had disappeared. It did not matter, for he was not on the passports. We followed as we were directed through an open door.

'Only you see, I won't. I will cut my throat first. 'Cheer up! said Blenkiron soothingly. 'We'll find some prettier way than that. 'There is no way, he said; 'no way but death. We're done for, all of us. Hussin got you out of Stumm's clutches, but you're in danger every moment. At the best you have three days, and then you, too, will be dead. I had no words to reply.

Last night Hussin took us for a walk over the roofs of Erzerum, and by the blessing of Providence I got into Stumm's room, and bagged his staff map ... Look there ... d'you see his notes? That's the danger-point of the whole defence. Once the Russians get that fort, Kara Gubek, they've turned the main position.

The man spoke to us in Turkish, which Hussin interpreted. There was somebody in that barracks who wanted badly to see us. 'By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, quoted Blenkiron softly. 'I fear, Major, we'll soon be remembering Zion. I tried to persuade myself that this was merely the red tape of a frontier fortress, but I had an instinct that difficulties were in store for us.

We had no grip, and if he had stumbled we should all three have been in the courtyard. But we got it over, and dropped as softly as possible on to the roof of the next house. Hussin had his finger on his lips, and I soon saw why. For there was a lighted window in the wall we had descended. Some imp prompted me to wait behind and explore.

The roofs they were on were perhaps six feet higher than ours, so even from our shelter we could mark their course. If Hussin were going to be hunted across Erzerum it was a bad look-out for us, for I hadn't the foggiest notion where we were or where we were going to. But as we watched we saw something more.

Besides, if Peter wins through, the Turk will be a busy man by the day after tomorrow. The key turned in the door and Hussin stole in like a shade. It was the signal for Sandy to leave. 'You fellows have given me a new lease of life, he said. 'I've got a plan now, and I can set my teeth and stick it out. He went up to Peter and gripped his hand. 'Good luck.

The Companions all carried rifles slung across their shoulders. Hussin, from a deep saddle-bag, brought out rifles and bandoliers for the rest of us. As I laid mine across my saddle-bow I saw it was a German Mauser of the latest pattern. 'It's hell-for-leather till we find a place for a stand, said Sandy. 'The game's against us this time.

He was a wonderful fine horseman, with his firm English hunting seat, and it was as well, for he paid no attention to his beast. His head was still full of unquiet thoughts. Then the air around me began to smell acrid and raw, and I saw that a fog was winding up from the hollows. 'Here's the devil's own luck, I cried to Hussin. 'Can you guide us in a mist? 'I do not know. He shook his head.

There were big buildings on one side, and on the other what looked like the lift of a hill. No lights were shown, the place was in profound gloom, but I felt the presence near me of others besides Hussin and the driver. We were hurried, Blenkiron only half awake, into an outbuilding, and then down some steps to a roomy cellar.