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Do you suppose I do not know perfectly well that the benevolent attitude you have seen fit to assume towards me has been a blind, from first to last; and that every penny you have advanced me until now, as well as the three hundred pounds, the loss of which you so amiably beg me not to let trouble me, is hush-money?

He complained that the American Government had bribed his neighbours, the cut-throats of Tunis, at a higher price, and he saw no reason why, like his cousin of Algiers, he should not receive a frigate as hush-money. His answer to a letter of the President, containing honeyed professions of friendship, was amusing.

Her colour rose with the same feelings which drew a deep seriousness over his countenance. "Mr Rowland means well," said Margaret; "but surely this will never do." "I hardly know what you would consider meaning well," replied Hope. "Rowland would buy himself out of an affair which he has not the courage to manage by nobler means. He would give hush-money for the concealment of his wife's offences.

He came in haste to see the Lady Alfrida, from whom, during all the years, he had extorted endless hush-money. "I and my men awaited him. "He had fattened on his hush-money! He was no longer lean and out at elbow. "He screeched at sight of me, thinking me risen from the dead. "He screeched still louder when he saw the noose, flung over a strong bough. "We left him hanging, when we rode away.

Another hinted at a regular salary of hush-money, saying "he had now got these fellows where he could make as much out of them as he wanted to, right along." Sometimes they threatened him with "murder and sudden death." Several times they got out an injunction upon him, and several times sued him for slander.

She stood by it, with one hand grasping the top rail, and with her eyes fixed in mocking scrutiny on Lady Janet's face. "At last your ladyship shows your hand," she said. "Hush-money!" "You will send me back to my papers," rejoined Lady Janet. "How obstinate you are!" Grace's hand closed tighter and tighter round the rail of the chair.

Ten thousand dollars but ten thousand dollars by blackmail, hush-money, the reward of fire and blood and shame! Was it to go on? Was he to commit a new crime? He stirred, as though to shake off the net that he felt twisting round him, in the hands of the robust and powerful Dupont, on whom crime sat so lightly, who had flourished while he, Lygon, had gone lower and lower.

For whoever it was that Collishaw saw lay hands on Braden, it wasn't Bryce Bryce, we know, was at that time coming across the Close or crossing that path through the part you call Paradise: Varner's evidence proves that. So if the fifty pounds wasn't paid for hush-money, what was it paid for?" "Do you suggest anything?" asked Mitchington.

But these are always nice questions, to a foreigner above all: a shade too little will suggest niggardliness, a shilling too much smells of hush-money. Fresh from the scene at the Archdeacon's, and flushed by the idea that I was now nearly done with the responsibilities of the claret-coloured chaise, I put into his hands five guineas; and the amount served only to waken his cupidity.

Brent, and to make it the basis of a demand for a generous sum of hush-money one thousand dollars, at least. He might have decided to do this but for an incident which suggested another course. The door-bell rang, and when he opened the door with some surprise, for callers were few, he saw standing before him a tall, handsome boy, whom he did not recognize. "Do you wish to see me?" he asked.