United States or Pitcairn Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

After washing again, he put on his clothes hurriedly, and determined to postpone the remainder of his physical exercise till his return in the evening. Running downstairs, he saw his dirty boots staring him in the face. "Is there any peace in ever climbing up the climbing wave?" he quoted, with a sinking heart. There was no help for it.

They crossed the road and passed under trees. 'My mother was to have called on the Miss Duvidneys. They left hurriedly; I think it was unanticipated by Nesta. I venture . . . you pardon the liberty . . . she allows me to entertain hopes. Mr. Radnor, I am hardly too bold in thinking . . . I trust, in appealing to you . . . at least I can promise! 'Mr.

"Miss Jennie Baxter?" he asked eagerly, with emphasis on the first word. "Miss Jennie Baxter," she answered, still not looking up at him. He leaned back in his chair and said, "Well, this is not such a bad world, after all. To think of meeting you here in Russia! Have you been in St. Petersburg, then?" "Yes. I am a newspaper woman," explained Jennie hurriedly.

Seeing her condition, Lord Shrope related the matter hurriedly, concluding with: "I knew that you knew not her sex, Walsingham, so I sought you to inform you anent it. Learning that you had come here, and fearing that this step would be taken, for well do I ken the stubbornness of the girl where her father is concerned, I hastened hither."

“I am not afraid of Morgan,” muttered Conway, but he said no more. In the mean time Calhoun was hurriedly making preparations for his journey. Many of the officers and men were engaged in writing letters to send back by him to the dear ones in Kentucky. Morgan intrusted to him several important communications to prominent Southern sympathizers.

To his kin in Scotland he sent from the beginning voluminous annual epistles. They are not such as we now write, hurriedly scratched off in a few minutes. With abundant time at his disposal Nairne could write what must have occupied many days. When written, the letters were sometimes copied in a book almost as large as an office ledger.

And over on the left was a platform bearing a great chair, and over it hung a canopy only the children didn't call it so of purple. They had never seen the sanctuary look like this before! And then their attention was attracted by the strains of the new organ, hurriedly bought for the occasion. The choir from the city was practising before the service.

He looked at her almost pitifully. "I I can't manage it just yet," he said, hurriedly. "I'll write or see you again soon. Ellen, I'm sorry," he wound up, "but just at present I can't change anything." So Burton paid the bill and the tea-party was over. He saw them off as far as the lift in Leicester Square Station, but Ellen never looked at him again.

"I suppose," said T. X. patiently, "it is impossible for you to tell me to what address you have replied?" "To no address," answered the other and corrected himself hurriedly; "that is to say I only received the telegram the message this morning and there is no address to reply to." "I see," said T. X. That afternoon he instructed his secretary.

I thought I could; but I can't fence a bit." At that moment there was a sharp click of the outer door, and the doctor hurriedly began to sheathe his rapier, but not quickly enough for his action to be unseen. The arras was thrown aside, and a tall handsome young cavalier strode into the ante-chamber and stopped short in astonishment. "Words and wonder!" he cried.