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We'll wear masks and he'll think he's in for a bit of hazing and won't squeal very loud. Then we can blindfold him and bring him here." "So far, so good," put in Rockley. "And after that?" "You know how he hates liquor?" "Does he, or is it all put on?" questioned Ben Hurdy. "I can't say as to that, but anyway he pretends to hate it, so it amounts to the same thing.

In the wall was an opening, blocked up by a heavy door secured by a rusty iron chain that was passed through a ring in the rocks. "Well, this is certainly odd," exclaimed Flapp. "What kind of a place is it"? "It's a den of some sort," said Hurdy. "Maybe some counterfeiters belong here." "Bosh, you talk as if you were in a dime novel," came from Jackson.

As good as his word, Dick slipped over the top of the lowered window sash, and an instant later stood in the room, which was but dimly lit. Then he tiptoed his way behind a door and peeped into the room beyond. Seven cadets were present, including Lew Flapp, Ben Hurdy, and their particular cronies Jackson, Pender, and Rockley. The others were two young cadets named Joe Davis and Harry Moss.

"We've got to stay right here and take all the taunts that come along." "Nobody shall taunt me," cried Jackson. "If they try it I'll punch somebody's nose." "And to think we lost our money, too," said Ben Hurdy, after a pause. "That's what makes me sick." "Reckon you didn't lose much," said Lew Flapp, with a sickly grin. "I lost all I had, and that's enough." "Who won it?" "Hans Mueller.

Half the team was up and sneezing and before order could be restored the rope had gone over to the Rockleys' side a distance of two and a half feet. "Hurrah, the Rockleys are winning!" yelled Ben Hurdy. "Haul 'em over, boys!" "Down!" ordered Tom. "What on earth made the men sneeze?" demanded Dick, gazing around sharply. "Smells like pepper," replied Major Larry Colby, who was close at hand.

"I am going down to Cedarville this evening," he said. "I want you to go along and invite Jackson and Pender and Rockley." "Going to have a good time?" asked Ben Hurdy. "Yes and you can tell the others so, and tell them if they know some others who want a good time, and can keep their mouths shut about it, to bring them along. But mind, Hurdy, we want no blabbers."

First it was the young Vicomte de Cormontreuil, who has his bell tower three leagues distant from Reims; then Messire Henri de Triancourt, equerry to the King; then less than that, Chiart de Beaulion, sergeant-at-arms; then, still descending, Guery Aubergeon, carver to the King; then, Mace de Frepus, barber to monsieur the dauphin; then, Thevenin le Moine, King's cook; then, the men growing continually younger and less noble, she fell to Guillaume Racine, minstrel of the hurdy gurdy and to Thierry de Mer, lamplighter.

At the time when Scarry had been prevalent in the mining camps thereabout when, as the editor of the Hurdy Herald would have phrased it, she was "in the plenitude of her power" Mr. Doman's fortunes had been at a low ebb, and he had led the vagrantly laborious life of a prospector. His time had been mostly spent in the mountains, now with one companion, now with another.

For the moment Ben Hurdy, who had remained silent during the most of the talk, did nothing, but then he ran forward, and watching his chance, kicked Dick in the side of the head with his foot. The quarrel was now on in earnest, and in the midst of the melee a burly waiter came rushing from below, demanding to know what was the matter. "A pair of spies!" shouted Pender.

A general alarm was sent out, and the search for the missing captain of Company A was begun as recorded. Captain Putnam also began to investigate on his private account, with results that were as surprising as they were dismaying. He learned the several cadets had left camp early in the night and among them Ben Hurdy, Lew Flapp, Pender, and Jackson.