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I leave out my sly ruses and feints to draw Hunky's word-of-mouth blows it all came to something like this: "Speaking of the next election," said Hunky, "did you ever know much about Indians? No? I don't mean the Cooper, Beadle, cigar-store, or Laughing Water kind I mean the modern Indian the kind that takes Greek prizes in colleges and scalps the half-back on the other side in football games.

But he'll have to prove himself a true man, an' there are some mysteries about him that it puzzles me to think how he'll clear 'em up." "Mysteries?" echoed Dick. "Ay, mysteries. I've had some talk wi' Hunky Ben, an' he's as much puzzled as myself, if not more."

"Why, when Buck stepped out an' bid him throw up his hands, your friend merely looked at Buck and said somethin' that Hunky couldn't hear, an then Buck dropped his pistol, and your friend got off his horse, and they shook hands and went off as thick as thieves together.

There was a lot o' small bushes not ten yards in front of us, which ended in a cut a sort o' crack in the hill-side, a hundred yards or more from the place where we was crouchin'. "`Now, whispers Hunky to " "I never whisper!" remarked the scout.

"I'll risk it." Cries of "Good old Ned," and "Hunky boy!" greeted him as he took the pail from the perspiring Parkhurst, who at once lay down again. "You mayn't be a professin' Christian, in good standin', Ned Bray," continued Parkhurst from the ground, "but you're about as white as they make 'em, and you're goin' to do a Heavenly Act! I repeat it, gents a Heavenly Act!"

The clump of shrubs and grass on the rugged bank, which formed the top of the cave, effectually concealed the natural hollow which he had deepened, and the overhanging mass of the rugged cliff protected it from rain and dew. What Hunky Ben saw on looking through his peep-hole filled him with surprise and pity, and compelled him to modify his plans.

Indeed there had been at one time a rumour that he was going to be taken into the house of Hunky and Sons as a junior partner. It was evident that many people had been favourably impressed by his outward demeanour, by his mode of talk, and by his way of living. But no one knew anything about him. With regard to his material position Mr.

Charlie Brooke and Hunky Ben, having been out together, had returned well laden with game; and Leather was busy at the fire preparing a savoury mess of the same for his sick friend when Dick arrived. "News from the old country!" he exclaimed, holding up the letters on entering the cave. "Two for Charles Brooke, Esquire, and one for Mister Leather!" "They might have been more polite to me.

Ptolemy himself answered and assured me he had arrived all "hunky doory", that Huldah, who was out on an errand, was "hunky doory", and that the kids were all "hunky doory." In fact, his cheerful tone indicated that the whole universe was in the beatific state described by his expressive adjective.

"Why, clap on all sail an' give 'em a starn chase, which is always a long one. For this purpose, however, I would have to command a good craft so I'd expect you to lend me yours, Hunky Ben." "What! my Polly?" "Even so. Black Polly."