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The man was standing with his back to the Old Humpey. He would not turn. A superstitious fear fell upon him and made his knees shake and his tall, lean frame tremble.... He DARED not turn his head and look lest he should see that which would tell him Bridget was dead. But the dead do not speak in syllables that an ordinary human ear can hear.

'You're nice and cool up here, and you get every bit of wind that's going along the river, he said. 'It's a good thing you kept this humpey, Joan a little nest for the bird to fly home to, eh? 'Yes, I'm glad, though it seemed a silly piece of sentiment ... and, as you say, I always FELT the old bird might want to fly home for a bit some day. Well, YOU look cool enough, Colin.

Lady Bridget, lying awake and watching through her uncurtained windows the descent of the Southern Cross towards the horizon, and the westward travelling of a moon just out of its first quarter, could hear the men's voices on the veranda of the Old Humpey that of Ninnis and the Police Inspector; Maule seemed to have retired to his own room.

He and the few hands left to look after the head-station and the tailing-mob held the men's horses when their riders literally tumbled off them. Ninnis made McKeith take a strong pull of whiskey and supported him along to the Old Humpey. For Colin had had strength to say that Lady Bridget must on no account be disturbed.

'Ah well it doesn't matter As you said nothing matters now.... Well, I'll go and see Ninnis, and settle about to-morrow.... Then there's money.... he stopped at the edge of the steps leading down to the Old Humpey, looking back at her 'what you'll need for the passage and afterwards I know what you'll be thinking; but I can arrange for it with the Bank manager at Leuraville.