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I don't think I'm wanting in common sense, ma'am." He patted the housekeeper's hand kindly, and, in full view of the indignant Mrs. Banks, she squeezed his in return and gazed at him affectionately. There is nothing humourous to the ordinary person in a teacup, but Mrs. Banks, looking straight into hers, broke into a short, derisive laugh.

"But you'll go in search of him, won't you?" "The earth is rather a large place," I objected. "He may be in Dieppe, or he may be on top of Mount Popocatapetl." "I'm sure you'll find him," she said encouragingly. "You'll own," said I, "that there's something humourous in the idea of my wandering all over the surface of the planet in search of a lost captain of Chasseurs.

"It seems my fate to pass my life in bidding you good night," she said, straightening up and turning to him with the careless laughter touching mouth and eyes again. Then, resting her weight on one hand, her smooth, white shoulder rounded beside her cheek, she looked at him out of humourous eyes: "What is it that women find so attractive in you? The man's experienced insouciance?

The face was George's, the sensuous, luxurious mouth; but the eyes were not those of a Baragar, nor yet those of Aunt Kate's family; and they were not wholly like the mother's. They were full and brimming, while hers were small and whimsical; yet they had her quick, humourous flashes and her quaintness. "Have I changed so much? Have you forgotten me?" Cassy asked, looking the old man in the eyes.

It seemed as though there ought to be something deeper in him than the lightly humourous mockery with which he seemed to regard his very great talent a flippancy that veiled always what he said and did and thought until nobody could clearly understand what he really thought about anything; and some people doubted that he thought at all particularly the thoughtless whom he had carelessly consoled.

In the deep water below, sea-snakes, red and purple and green, were playing about; the bluefish, who are not in the least afraid of the snakes, rolled lazily round and round the rock; in the recesses lurked unseen the great conger-eel, which dreads nothing but the thing of long and horny tentacles, the ourite or squid: round and round the rock darted the humourous tazaar, which bites the bathers in shallow waters all for fun and mischief, and with no desire at all to eat their flesh; and besides these a thousand curious creatures, which this man, who had trained his eyes by days and days of watching, came here every day to look at.

"So do I," said Guy, "I just love to play a side-splitting part like Hamlet." "Then you may have a chance," said Marian, "for one of the plays we're thinking about and it isn't exactly a play either brings in a whole lot of tragic characters in a humourous way. It's a general mix-up, you know: Hamlet, and Sairy Gamp, and Rip Van Winkle, and Old Mother Hubbard, and everybody."

I see you as counsel in some causes which must have opened a charming field for your humourous vein. As it is more uncommon, so I verily believe it is more useful than the more serious exercise of reason; and, to a man who is to appear in publick, more eclat is to be gained, sometimes more money too, by a bon-mot, than a learned speech.

"I assure you, it was a much smaller thing to do than you imagine; it was all over in a few minutes; I knew that in your good nature you would make too much of it, and so foolishly, I can see now I tried to keep it from you. As for the name Captain Ure, it was an invention of that humourous dog, Corp."

Thackeray must have had Charles Dickens in his mind when he wrote: "The humourous writer professes to awaken and direct your love, your pity, your kindness your scorn for untruth, pretension, imposture your tenderness for the weak, the poor, the oppressed, the unhappy."