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As he went ever with a furtive eye upon the cabin he muttered to himself, shaking his head: "Say I sha'n' do hit. Say he don't want me a-ploughin' his co'n. My law! Whut you gwine do? Thar's them chillen thar's Huldy. They got to be fed they 'bleeged to have meat and bread. Ef I don't "

Huldy, you see, thought all the world of the minister, and she was 'most afraid to laugh; but she told me she couldn't, for the life of her, help it when his back was turned, for he wuzzled things up in the most singular way. But Huldy she'd jest say 'Yes, sir, and get him off into his study, and go on her own way.

Pap, after one look at Huldy, went about the fire-building, the slow tears rolling down his cheeks. While Aunt Cornelia brought the bedding, the warm blankets and wrappings, and made the little suffering creature a comfortable couch, Pap wrought at the forlorn, gaping fireplace like a suffering giant.

And so Huldy, she staid with Mis' Carryl full three months afore she died, and got to seein' to every thing pretty much round the place.

Saltover, and Mrs. Saltover, having one of her "Saleratus headaches," had turned him over to her widow sister, Mrs. Huldy Price, who obediently bestowed upon him that practical and critical attention which she divided with the stocking she was darning.

"We so wanted to see you, Aunt Huldy, for we've heard something so delightful about your funny Christmas Party!" Mrs. Price's heart sank, but her eyes snapped. "Only think of it! One of Mr. Spindler's long-lost relatives a Mr. Wragg lives in this hotel, and papa knows him. He's a sort of half-uncle, I believe, and he's just furious that Spindler should have invited him.

The woman pointed from her shoulder towards the inner room, and spoke even lower than before: "Van Dorn, I have a customer." "For negroes?" "No, for Huldy. He shall have her." As Levin Dennis stood at the cross-roads without, he saw a strange man ploughing in the farm so recently deserted by his hostess for the gayer cross-roads.

"Arrested, I 'spect," cried O'Day, boldly; "Van Dorn's hit in the throat." "He'll not talk much, then," muttered the woman; "his time had to come. Where will I find another lover at my age? Why, honey," she chuckled to herself, in a looking-glass, "that son of his'n may come back. He's took a shine to Huldy: why not to me?"

I had to borrow your ox-cart and steers to move with, and Huldy made me bring some things she said mother had give her, but I'll pay all this back, and more, for I intend to be independent and not live on any man's bounty. "Respectfully, your son, "SAMUEL" The two old faces, pallid and grief-struck, confronted each other in the shaken radiance of the pine fire.

"'Why, out there in the pig-pen, to be sure. "'Oh, dear me! says Huldy: 'that's the well-curb; there ain't no pig-pen built, says she. "'Lordy massy! says the parson: 'then I've thrown the pig in the well!