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Not that Hugot was by any means a noted hunter quite the contrary nor a warrior neither, notwithstanding he had been a chasseur a cheval, and wore such fierce moustachios. All this his old Colonel knew very well; and therefore did not much insist upon sending Hugot with them. Hugot's talents shone best in another sphere of action in the cuisine.

We should mention a handsome carved oak pulpit in the style of the fifteenth century, which has lately been erected; it is an ornament to the church in spite of its new and temporary appearance taking away from the cold effect of the interior, and relieving the monotony of its aisles. The people of Caen are indebted to M. V. Hugot, curé of St. Pierre, for this pulpit. 'A mon arrivée dans la paroisse, he says (in a little pamphlet sold in the church), 'un des premiers objets qui durent appeler mes soins c'était le rétablissement d'une chaire

This was a triumph for Lucien, although he bore it with characteristic modesty. The boat had not passed many minutes, when the loud screeching of her steam was heard in the direction of Point Coupee. They could tell from this that she was putting in at the landing. "Hugot!" cried the Colonel, "their may be something for us. Go and see."

The boys, however, went abroad on hunting expeditions, and collected specimens as formerly; and the life of all went on pretty much as usual. Thus it was when I first became acquainted with the naturalist, his man Hugot, and his three sons the Boy Hunters, the heroes of our little book. Young reader, permit me to introduce you to a more intimate acquaintance with them.

Hugot had not many preparations to make; and before the boat had arrived opposite to the house, he had arranged everything received some further instructions, with a purse of money, from his master and was off to Point Coupee, to meet the steamer at the landing. It was full three weeks before Hugot returned.

"If it would not be regarded as a liberty," he said at last, as Hunterleys rose to move off, "may I be permitted to present myself? My name is Hugot? I am half English, half French. Years ago my health broke down and I accepted a position in a bank here. Since then I have come in to money. If I have a hobby in life, it is to show my beloved Monte Carlo to strangers.

When the boy hunters had reached the edge of the woods, all three reined up, turned in their saddles, and, taking off their hats, uttered a parting cheer. The Colonel and Hugot cheered in return. When the noise had subsided, the voice of Francois was heard shouting back, "Fear not, papa! we'll bring you the white buffalo!"

I shall describe Hugot for your benefit. Hugot was a Frenchman a very small Frenchman, indeed not over five feet four inches in height. He was dapper and tidy had a large aquiline nose, and, notwithstanding his limited stature, a pair of tremendous moustachios, that curved over his mouth so as almost to hide it.

"Come in, my lads; come in!" said their father, evidently pleased, and to some extent comforted, with the proposal of his boys. "Come in to the house we can talk over it better when we have had our suppers." And so saying, the old Colonel hobbled back into the house followed by his three boys; while Hugot, looking very jaded and feeling very hungry, brought up the rear.

Francois remained a moment behind the rest rode up to Hugot caught hold of his great moustache, gave it a twitch that caused the ex-chasseur to grin again; and then, with a loud yell of laughter, wheeled his pony, and galloped after his brothers. The Colonel and Hugot stood for some moments watching them.