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Here's the king and queen and all the royal family, and my aunt Pierrepoint come quick to our dressing-room windows, or they will be out of sight." The fair hoydens seized her between them, and dragged her away. "Mamma says it's horribly vulgar to run to the windows, but never mind that. There's my aunt Pierrepoint's coach is not it handsome?

None but prude fools Mind manners and rules, We Hoydens do decency slight. Come, Trollops and Slatterns, Cocked hats and white aprons, This best our modesty suits; For why should not we In dress be as free As Hogs-Norton squires in boots? Why, indeed? But the Hogs-Norton squires, as is their wont, were not so easily pierced to the heart as the noble slatterns.

Jo's remarks were cut short by the appearance of Nan tearing round the corner at a break-neck pace, driving a mettlesome team of four boys, and followed by Daisy trundling Bess in a wheelbarrow. Hat off, hair flying, whip cracking, and barrow bumping, up they came in a cloud of dust, looking as wild a set of little hoydens as one would wish to see. "So, these are the model children, are they?

Nobody was around to see, or be horrified, for it was on the edge of town, and anyhow, it seemed utterly impossible to convince these girls that they were nearly thirteen years' old, and ought to stop being such hoydens.

And when, by artificial appliances, the degree of this difference is increased, it becomes an element of repulsion rather than of attraction. "Then girls should be allowed to run wild to become as rude as boys, and grow up into romps and hoydens!" exclaims some defender of the proprieties. This, we presume, is the ever-present dread of school-mistresses.

Yet they appear to have been strangely neglected in their education; good-humoured and good-natured undoubtedly, but little better than hoydens after all. Lord Down met Lord and Lady Coventry at Calais, and offered to send her ladyship a tent-bed, for fear of bugs at the inn. "Oh dear!" said she, "I had rather be bit to death than lie one night from my dear Cov."

At that Kagig shouted suddenly for fuel, and three of the Turk's seven hoydens ran to heap it on. Instantly the leaping flames transformed the great, uncomfortable, draughty barn into a hall of gorgeous color and shadows without limit. There was no other illumination, except for the glow here and there of pipes and cigarettes, or matches flaring for a moment.

And when, by artificial appliances, the degree of this difference is increased, it becomes an element of repulsion rather than of attraction. "'Then girls should be allowed to run wild to become as rude as boys, and grow up into romps and hoydens! exclaims some defender of the proprieties. This, we presume, is the ever-present dread of schoolmistresses.

Her voice had latterly acquired a coarseness, which suited well enough with her Nells and Hoydens, but in those days it sank, with her steady melting eye, into the heart. Her joyous parts in which her memory now chiefly lives in her youth were outdone by her plaintive ones. There is no giving an account how she delivered the disguised story of her love for Orsino. So in those fine lines

Thus there are some who ape the lisping of the fine lady, the drawling of the fine gentleman, and others who all their life delight in and catch the uncouth dialect, the manners and expressions of clowns and hoydens.