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Yet normally for the man and the woman whose welfare is more important than the welfare of any other human beings, the woman must remain the housemother, the homekeeper, and the man must remain the breadwinner, the provider for the wife who bears his children and for the children she brings into the world.

Tom's food choked him, as it had need under the sharp stress of things; and the convalescent housemother remained at table only long enough to pour the coffee. Tom excused himself a few minutes later, and followed his mother to her room, climbing the stair to her door, leaden-footed and with his heart ready to burst.

Here was his chief point of sympathy with the housemother, who, herself precluded from wearing miniver, velvet, or pearls, longed to deck her niece therewith, in time to receive Sir Kasimir of Adlerstein Wildschloss, as he had promised to meet his godsons at Ulm.

She registered as "housekeeper" and a housekeeper she must indeed have been, with all her outside interests a busy housemother. There accompanied her to the gathering her baby of two weeks old, the youngest of her twelve children.

It was not that he felt himself unworthy of this mark of esteem, but that the bad taste and the bad English grated upon his nerves. She was a strong, comely woman, this housemother, portly in person and large of face, with plentiful gray hair brushed smooth; from the face the colour had faded, but the look of health and strong purpose remained.

Sister Grethel coaxed and scolded, Sir Kasimir reproved, the housemother offered comfits, and Christina's soft voice was worst of all, for the child, probably taking her for Our Lady herself, began to gasp forth a general confession. "I will never do so again!

The house-furnishings revealed that it was the headquarters for the many employees, but none were present, either to welcome or protest. "On returning to town it was learned that Carson Wells had committed suicide. His worthy wife was not at home, was not present at the funeral. She is reported as living in Chicago, a housemother at a sorority of one of the universities.

Almost she saw again the dear home of that blessed year: the kindly housemother; the chubby Mädchen who knitted her a silk purse, and cried when she left; the father with his beloved 'cello and his deep, honest voice. How cunning the little Bertha had been!

"You have your head so full of other things that you cannot reckon properly." But seeing that she looked troubled lest she might have offended him, he added quickly: "When I am betrothed, good little old housemother, you shall be the first to know." And she had to be content with that. She asked no more questions of either of them: but she was terribly disappointed.

In your diary, as in mine, there are days marked with sadness, not for this year only, but for all. On a certain day and the sun perhaps, shining ever so brightly the housemother comes down to her family with a sad face, which scares the children round about in the midst of their laughter and prattle.