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But if I were not, I would not consent to sacrifice my exquisite desires merely because the sun shines and girls are merry. 'But I have been happy. I'll have none of this ugly gospel of hatred and revenge. 'Happy! Because you are free for a moment; because you are not treated quite as a pariah because that black-eyed houri down at the shanty smiles at you? You'll sicken of this presently.

Make her name a spitting and a disgrace.... Her memory a shame and a sting.... Is she beautiful?" she broke off to demand. "They say but slaves lie " "Can you believe a lover?" he said whimsically for all his impatience. "She is a pearl a rose a crescent moon " "They say she is very pale and thin " "She is an Houri from Paradise," he said distinctly.

Pale and excited, his heart full of love, Tartarin jumped out of bed and as he climbed into his ample underwear he asked "What shall I do now?" "Write to the lady quite simply and ask for a meeting" "She understands French then?" Said Tartarin with an air of disappointment. For his dreams had been of an Arabian Houri, uncontaminated by the west.

They wrought wonders in my appearance, bathing me after the Eastern fashion, adorning my hair and person, till I issued from their hands blooming and beauteous as an houri. When I returned to the room in which Lebel was expecting me, his surprise was almost overpowering. "You are, indeed," exclaimed he, "the new sun which is to rise upon Versailles."

Then, with mock emotion: "Might I, dare I, ask you to give to my keeping, that incomparable maiden, that houri of houris, your young and lovely sister-in-law, Miss Ellen Arthur?" The woman looked at him in silence for a time, and then, flinging herself upon a couch, burst into a peal of soft laughter. She understood it all now.

"Yes, yes!" he cried, eagerly. "Play! Play on for me! But I will stand." Accordingly she resumed her instrument; and o'er its strings her rosy fingers twinkled, while with witchery of voice and beauty she enthralled him. Again she sang of love, reclinging there like an houri fit to grace the paradise of her Prophet; and the giant monk became a puppet in her hands.

There was a dewy crimson on her lips, and her cheeks were red as damask roses. A bright, happy face, upon which no blight had fallen. "She was beautiful beautiful as an houri!" said Mr. Paul Linmere, speaking slowly, half unconsciously, it seemed, his thoughts aloud. "And when I first knew her she was sweet and innocent. I made her sin. I led her into the temptation she was too weak to resist.

Gordon greeted with a loving kiss, which the kissee resented in a very unequivocal strain of disgustful reproach. "Hush! my Queen of Clubs; my Sultana Sootina!" said Mr. Gordon; "hush! or these gentlemen will think you in earnest. I have brought three new customers to the club." This speech somewhat softened the incensed Houri of Mr. Gordon's Paradise, and she very civilly asked us to enter.

What is she, Isaac? Thy wife or thy daughter, that Eastern houri that thou lockest under thy arm as thou wouldst thy treasure-casket?" "My daughter Rebecca, so please your Grace," answered Isaac, with a low congee, nothing embarrassed by the Prince's salutation, in which, however, there was at least as much mockery as courtesy.

What contrast wi' the man, who slept a gladsome night * By Houri maid for glance a mere enchanteress, He rises off her borrowing wholesome bonny scent; * That fills the house with whiffs of perfumed goodliness.