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The reverse shows the universal goddess of the Utopian coinage Peace, as a beautiful woman, reading with a child out of a great book, and behind them are stars, and an hour-glass, halfway run. Very human these Utopians, after all, and not by any means above the obvious in their symbolism!

Coleridge divided readers into four classes, thus: "The first may be compared to an hour-glass, their reading being as the sand; it runs in, and it runs out, and leaves not a vestige behind. A second class resembles a sponge, which imbibes every thing, and returns it merely in the same state, only a little dirtier.

But when I was come anew to my comrades, who stood at the lower extremity of the field and this was the bottom of the hour-glass, so to speak I was aware of a stir amongst them, and, advancing closer, that they were all intent upon the neighbourhood of the field I had left, staring like distraught creatures, and holding well together, as if in a panic.

"The world cannot wait for the English." ... And the sands of our Imperial opportunity twirl through the neck of the hour-glass. Sec. 1 Our country is, I think, in a dangerous state of social disturbance. The discontent of the labouring mass of the community is deep and increasing. It may be that we are in the opening phase of a real and irreparable class war.

The wheat is brought from the Teli. The Wad-el-Khalouf is dry, except in winter, but its bed is bored with inexhaustible wells, whose waters are distributed among the gardens by means of a clepsydra, or a vessel which drops so much water in an hour. The ancients measured time by the dropping of water, like the falling of sand in the hour-glass.

She was thinner and paler and more beautiful, with an air of distinction that was new. It was as if in visualizing his future she had pictured herself in it as first lady of the land. Such a silly dream for Sandwich Jane! They were quite alone when he came to her. It was morning, and the porches were empty of guests. Jane was in a long wicker chair, with her pot of coffee on an hour-glass table.

Within that brief span the millionth fraction of a single sand in Time's great hour-glass thousands have begun their existence, to pursue through life a career of honor, of profit, of ambition, or of crime! and thousands, too, have ceased their existence, and their places are filled by others in the great race of human life. But a truce to moralizing.

"Warriors and sages!" he said, "as Muza's counsel is your king's desire, say but the word, and, ere the hour-glass shed its last sand, the blast of our trumpet shall be ringing through the Vivarrambla." "O king! fight not against the will of fate God is great!" replied the chief of the alfaquis.

The hour-glass and the almanac told them that winter had given place to spring, but nature still lay in cold obstruction. One of their number, who had long been ill, died. They hollowed a grave for him in the frozen snow, performing a rude burial service, and singing a psalm; but the cold had nearly made them all corpses before the ceremony was done.

And there now remained but an hour before midnight on the Tuesday preceding the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday Dies Cinerum! that sad and sober morrow which has brought with it "sermons and soda-water" to so many generations of revellers. Of course Carnival, according to the Calendar and Time's hour-glass, is over at twelve o'clock on the night of Shrove Tuesday.