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"Did he reply in courteous terms or was he testy and out of sorts? Now, just what DID he say?" Zachariah stared at the speaker in some uneasiness. "Ah reckon yo' all better go on back to bed, suh, an' lemme call yo' when yo' is wide awake. Ain' no sense in yo' startin' off on dis yere hossback ride when yo' is still enjoyin' setch a good night's sleep. No, SUH!"

"No." "Roy, a strange rider passed us before dark. He was hittin' the road. An' he's got by here before you came." "I don't like thet news," replied Roy, tersely. "Let's rustle. With girls on hossback you'll need all the start you can get. Hey, John?" "Snake Anson shore can foller hoss tracks," replied the third man. "Milt, say the word," went on Roy, as he looked up at the stars.

Den ole Sent Peter he sings out: 'Look h'yar, uncle, whar you gwine? Dar ain't no cullud gal'ry in dis 'stablishment. You's got to come in dis same gate wid de udder folks. So de cullud angel he come up to de gate, but he kin' a hung back till de udders had got in. Jus' den 'long comes a white angel on hossback, wot was in a dreffle hurry to git in to de gate.

"She laughed a little, an' says, motionin' with her head to'ds the carriage, 'My sister is Miss Verjoos. I'm Miss Claricy. I took off my cap, an' the other girl jest bowed her head a little. "'I heard you had a hoss 't I could ride, says the one on hossback.

They had to slip and slide over the rocks, and once or twice they reached places where further progress seemed impossible. "If we get any of those deer, we'll earn them!" panted Phil, as he half climbed, half slid, over some rocks. "If my horse goes down, I don't know what will happen to me!" he added. "We'll not go much further on hossback, I'm thinking," answered Todd.

"She was sick all summer long kind o' out o' her head, ye know, an' I used to go over hossback an' take things fer her to eat. An' one day when I was over there they was wonderin' what they was goin' to do with her little baby. I took it in my arms an' I'll be gol dummed if it didn't grab hold o' my nose an' hang on like a puppy to a root.

I done seen 'em on de hill fo' dark. I done see lots o' men wid guns, and some on hossback dis mornin' strollin' 'long de riber an' ober de country." "Which way did they come from, Cuffy?" inquired Deck. "Most on 'em com 'd down de Harrison road, an' some on 'em was beat'n' across de farm." "Have you heard of the great battle that was fought over by Logan's Cross Roads?" asked the sergeant.

I was up to the barn one mornin', mebbe four years ago," he continued, "when in drove the Verjoos carriage with one of the girls, the oldest one, inside, an' the yeller-haired one on a hossback. 'Good mornin'. You're Mr. Harum, ain't you? she says. 'Good mornin', I says, 'Harum's the name 't I use when I appear in public. You're Miss Verjoos, I reckon, I says.

You'd escaped once from those same Injuns; 't ain't their nater to let a man escape twice. So Rebecca got heart-sick. After waitin' a bit, and hearin' naught, she packed what she could and took the children, and set out hossback for her father's home in North Caroliny." Daniel Boone grew pale. "Alone?" "Yes." "Did she get there?" "Yes; all right. Never harmed." "Thank God. I do not blame her."

"This ain't no New York idea, where the bride and groom hits the life-trail in a hired hack," cried Fresno. Allen's feelings apparently were not yet fully soothed. Turning to Sage-brush, he said: "Wheels don't go in my family. Why, her ma and me were married on hossback. The preacher had to make a hurry job of it, but it took." "Hush, now," was Parenthesis' awed comment.