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I have found him; only as it is impossible for me to appear in the matter, I shall delegate to you and Perpignan the happiness of restoring the lost son to his father's arms." Catenac glanced from Mascarin to Hortebise, and from them to Paul, and seemed to wish to be certain that he was not being made an object of ridicule.

Three thousand francs. "'Madame M. de M . A true history of her adventure with M. J ." This sample was quite sufficient to satisfy M. de Croisenois. "Enough," cried he, "I yield. I bow before your gigantic power, which utterly surpasses that of the police. Give me your orders." Before this Mascarin had conquered Hortebise and Paul Violaine, and now he had the Marquis at his feet.

He stopped for a little, opened every door, and assured himself that there were no eavesdroppers, and then, in a low whisper, he said to Hortebise, "Do you not see that there is but one obstacle to our success, and that is Andre? Remove him, and the whole of our machinery will work as smoothly as ever." Hortebise winced, as if suffering from a sudden pain. "Do you mean ?" asked he.

Hortebise did not attempt to stay the torrent of her words, for the Countess was in one of those moods of utter despair when the inner feelings of the soul are made manifest, as during a violent tempest the weeds of ocean are hurled up to the surface of the troubled waters. "I would sooner be lying in my grave a thousand times," wailed she, "than see these letters in my husband's hands.

"To-morrow the poor fellow will have his hands full, for there is to be a general meeting, when we shall hear all about Catenac's ideas, and I shall be glad to know what Croisenois's conduct will be when he knows what he is wanted for." It was growing late, and the guests began to drop off. Dr. Hortebise signalled to Paul, and they left the house together.

"Accidentally I held the piece of paper between myself and the light, with the side on which the writing was turned from me, and read it at once. It was a cryptogram of the simplest kind, as the letters forming the words were simply reversed. I divided the letters into words, and made out this sentence: 'Grace, je suis innocente. Hortebise snatched up the paper and glanced at it.

Catenac and Hortebise were waiting for me with the utmost anxiety. You remember that day, my friends. Marquis, my story is especially intended for you. As soon as I entered the room, my friends ran up to me, delighted at seeing me return in safety, but I thrust them aside.

At first Paul was so astounded that he could hardly find words in which to express himself; but he remembered the words that Dr. Hortebise had so often dinned into his ears during the last five days, "Let nothing astonish you." "I suppose," said he at last, "that you had taught this old woman her lesson beforehand." "Merciful powers!" exclaimed Tantaine in tones of extreme disgust.

Hortebise entered the room. "Well!" exclaimed Mascarin, "have you seen the Mussidans, as I told you to do." "Certainly," answered Hortebise briskly; "I saw the Countess, and told her how pressing the holders of her letters were growing, and urged on her the necessity for immediate action.

Daddy Tantaine and Hortebise passed out of the room hastily, but when they reached the staircase they stood still. The doctor wore the same smiling expression of face, and he endeavored to calm his companion, who appeared to be on the verge of desperation. "Have courage," whispered he; "what is the use of giving way to passion? You cannot help this; it is too late now.