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I hoisted an umbrella and sat there grimly, in that horseless wagon in the mud-hole. Many a time since have I laughed over the memory of the appearance I must have presented sitting in that mud-hole, but there was nothing in the least funny about it at the time. The worst feature of it all was the uncertainty.

This distance in England, where traffic has been mainly horse traffic for many centuries, seems to have worked out, according to the gradients and so forth, at from eight to fifteen miles, and at such distances do we find the country towns, while the horseless man, the serf, and the labourer and labouring wench have marked their narrow limits in the distribution of the intervening villages.

I always am certain of results. They always come if you work hard enough. But it was a very great thing to have my wife even more confident than I was. She has always been that way. I had to work from the ground up that is, although I knew that a number of people were working on horseless carriages, I could not know what they were doing.

In 1900 our road traction was carried on by means of horses; now, especially in the large cities, it is already more than half mechanical, and at the present rate of progress it bids fair to be soon entirely horseless. About the year 1885 Daimler was experimenting with models of a small motor engine, and the following year he fitted one of his most successful models to a light wagonette.

The Dodo is narrow-minded as to towels; expects me to wash on a freemason's apron without the trimming: when I asked for soap, gives me a stony-hearted something white, with no more lather in it than the Elgin marbles. The Dodo has seen better days, and possesses interminable stables at the back silent, grass-grown, broken-windowed, horseless.

Nobody could forget the sight of Lady Bareacres, sitting under the porte cochère in her horseless carriage of good Mrs. O'Dowd, rising in the dawn to equip her warrior for battle of George Osborne, dead on the field; but these are Thackeray's flashes of revelation, straight and sure, and they are all the drama, strictly speaking, that he extorts from his material.

"I suppose your father thinks he can build a horseless carriage to go that fast!" "They go that fast already, sometimes." "Yes," said George; "they do for about a hundred feet! Then they give a yell and burn up." Evidently she decided not to defend her father's faith in horseless carriages, for she laughed, and said nothing.

In a horseless land relays of runners, each dashing his appointed distance, saw to it that a perishable dainty outlived its journey across a mountain range. This gives a key to my mode of existence, for several months following, though my luxury was of a lesser scale. In those months I mastered some vocabulary and in so crude a dialect vocabulary suffices.

What they could interfere with in a practically horseless town I cannot imagine, but I trust this stupidity gave way to second thought. The cab rattles and careers up the length of the street, scattering rickshaws and pedestrians from before its triumphant path. To the left opens a wide street of little booths under iron awnings, hung with gay colour and glittering things.

Socialism asks for the application of science to the disease of poverty. Science has chained the lightning and harnessed the ether waves, it has filled the world with horseless carriages and is now filling the air with machines that fly like birds.