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She yawned, looked at her watch again, found that she had spent exactly six minutes in meditating upon her immediate surroundings, and fell to wondering why it was that the real West was so terribly commonplace. Why, yesterday she had been brought to such a pass of sheer loneliness that she had actually been driven to reading an old horse-doctor book!

"Well, isn't there somebody else? Shouldn't I try the courts?" "What courts?" "I don't know. You tell me." "Well," said the Scotchman, "to begin at the bottom, there's a justice of the peace." "Who's he?" "Jim Anderson, a horse-doctor. He's like any other J.P. you ever knew he lives on petty graft." "Is there a higher court?" "Yes, the district court; Judge Denton.

But Marat, too, the horse-doctor of the Count d'Artois, as he called himself derisively, the doctor of poverty and misfortune, as his flatterers termed him Marat, too, was known to many in the throng, and after Santerre had been applauded, they saluted Marat with a loud vivat, and with boisterous clapping of hands.

He listened to Thomas with a kind of dazed meekness, his eyes wandering everywhere except in the direction of Thomas's. One who did not know Thomas would have thought it cowardly in him to attack such a poor creature. But Thomas was just as ready to fly at the greatest man in Glamerton. All the evildoers of the place feared him the rich manufacturer and the strong horse-doctor included.

I believe the mash was necessary to the conversion of the stomach-ache into the botts, but I think one could develop the blind staggers out of the literature by itself; also, that blind staggers produced in this way would be of a better quality and more lasting than any produced by the artificial processes of the horse-doctor.

Jim Anderson, the horse-doctor, sat at his desk within. He had evidently chewed tobacco before he assumed the ermine, and his reddish-coloured moustache still showed the stains. Hal observed such details, trying to weigh his chances of success. He presented the affidavit describing his treatment in North Valley, and sat waiting while His Honour read it through with painful slowness.

Under the present circumstances I can only suggest the horse-doctor." "What's the use of ?" "I believe he began by doctoring human beings, but like the rest of us out here, he is a little under a cloud. He prefers animals now. They don't tell tales. Human beings do. Besides, he's English, or rather, Irish. Better go and tell him to come up. You know his rooms.

Cummings theology; "Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri" law; "The Complete Horse-Doctor" medicine; "The Toilers of the Sea," by Victor Hugo romance; "The works of William Shakspeare" poetry. I shall never cease to admire the tact and the intelligence of that gifted porter.

Witla had a fund of humor which extended to joking with his son and daughters, when he was feeling good, to noting their budding interest in the opposite sex; to predicting some commonplace climax to their one grand passion when it should come. He was fond of telling Myrtle that she would one day marry a horse-doctor.

Emile knew the little weakness of Michael Furness, and as Vardri had not returned it meant that he was still searching. At last the horse-doctor arrived, grunting and ruffling up his crest of curly black hair.