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Deena recognized her place in her husband's estimation when she finished his letter to Stephen, and said, with pardonable sarcasm: "Simeon saves the strong meat of observation for masculine digestion, and I get only the hors-d'oeuvres; perhaps he has discriminated wisely."

Good heaven! the bill of fare is a printed sheet of double folio, of the size of an English newspaper. It will require half an hour at least to con over this important catalogue. Let us see; Soups, thirteen sorts. Hors-d'oeuvres, twenty-two species. Beef, dressed in eleven different ways. Pastry, containing fish, flesh and fowl, in eleven shapes. Poultry and game, under thirty-two various forms.

She took no heed of the command, dressed at her ease, and came down just as the archduke, perspiring freely after his struggle with the hors-d'oeuvres, soup and fish, was plunging upon his first entrée. He ate it with great emphasis; and as he ate it he questioned her about the place where his daughter was encamped and the friends she was encamped with.

"Why, it is the little Frenchman from the Trebassof villa," commenced the falsetto voice of Gounsovski as he pushed a seat towards the young man and begged him to sit between him and Athanase Georgevitch, who was already busy with the hors-d'oeuvres. "How do you do, monsieur?" said the beautiful, grave voice of Annouchka. Rouletabille saluted.

Messieurs the commercial travelers for champagne, who talk together importantly in the lobbies of the Grand Morskaia Hotel and who have studied the Russian people even in the most distant cities where champagne is sold, will tell you that over any table of hors-d'oeuvres, and will regulate the whole question of the Revolution between two little glasses of vodka, swallowed properly, quickly, elbow up, at a single draught, in the Russian manner.

K. Ricky French, the youngest Harvard playwright to learn the tricks of C43, a Boston exquisite, impeccably correct from his club tie to the small gold animal on his watch-chain, is almost coming to blows with Slade Wilson, the youngest San Francisco cartoonist to be tempted East by a big paper and still so new to New York that no matter where he tries to take the subway, he always finds himself buried under Times Square, over a question as to whether La Perouse or Foyot's has the best hors-d'oeuvres in Paris.

"So you were here?" she said, taking his hand and pressing it nervously in hers. "Yes, yes. I have watched you closing the house. It is a task well-done, certainly. You have not forgotten anything." "But where were you, dear little demon? I have been into all the corners, and my hands did not touch you." "I was under the table set with hors-d'oeuvres in the sitting-room."

Tell me first about the earliest attack." "Now," said Matrena, "we must go to dinner." Rouletabille looked at her wide-eyed. "But, madame, what have I just been doing?" Madame Matrena smiled. All these strangers were alike. Because they had eaten some hors-d'oeuvres, some zakouskis, they imagined their host would be satisfied. They did not know how to eat. "We will go to the dining-room.

Notwithstanding his anti-epicurean principles, the chief of the expedition good-humouredly gave in to the fancies of his followers, who loved a feast now and then, and were partial to celebrate notable days by such modest hors-d'oeuvres and supplementary condiments as the niggard forest and their indifferently provided saddle-bags would afford.

Was it possible that the corners of Hawkes' mouth twitched? I don't suppose I shall ever know. My sherry was much better than I thought, too. It was deliciously oily. The champagne? But that came later, so why anticipate a joy with realisation staring one in the face? We began with a marvellous hors-d'oeuvres. Then a clear soup, a fish aspec, a Why rhapsodise?