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They would rather play gobs or shuttlecock or hopscotch than read about the 'Forty Thieves. They don't mind being kept a whole year in one class but I oh, I feel so mad at getting on so slow. I could easily learn the standard work in three months. I want to know everything so that I can grow up to be a teacher at our school." "And does your teacher know everything?" "Oh yes!

But their eyes met with no shields before them; and she was wounded, for he just caught her voice as he went down the steps, "Oh, Marko, do write to me!" The Ri te O voice of the Hopscotch. "Come on, Sabre, my boy! Come on! Come on!" He got into the cab. Major Millet had taken the seat next Mabel. "Ri te O, Cabby!" the Hopscotch hailed.

But answering her banter he once caught an expression behind her airiness. He thought, "It is a shield"; and he turned away abruptly from her. He could not bear it. This was on the occasion of a little dinner party at Northrepps to which he had come with Mabel; Major Hopscotch Millet and one or two others were among the guests.

Much of the time the pupils played in the grounds, hopscotch and wrestling on stilts being favorite games. Alfred regretted that the ancient Tahitian games which his grandfather played were out of style. Among these was a variation of golf, with curved sticks, and a ball made of strips of native cloth; and foot-ball with a ball of banana-leaves tightly rolled.

'Our Jorian says that women's letters must be read like anagrams. To put it familiarly, they are like a child's field of hop-scotch. You may have noticed the urchins at their game: a bit of tile, and a variety of compartments to pass it through to the base, hopping. Or no, Richie, pooh! 'tis an unworthy comparison, this hopscotch.

A yellow, oblique-eyed oriental in slippers and long black caftan was balancing himself carelessly on the steps of the basement milk-shop with a bowl of cream in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. Above on the pavement two boys were playing hopscotch, just below the large red lamp which all night long advertised its "corn-operator" right up to the main thoroughfare.

A pretty little villa in the local style, with a front garden and a balcony behind, the walls glaringly white and the venetians very green; and always about the doorsteps a brood of little Savoyard shoe-blackguards playing hopscotch, or dozing in the broad sunshine with their heads pillowed on their boxes.

"No, but he bounds about," Sabre explained. "You know the way he bounds about, Mabel. He's about ninety " "I'm sure he isn't, nor fifty." "Well, anyway, he's past his first youth, but he's always bounding about to show how agile he is. He's always calling out 'Ri te O! and jumping to do a thing when there's no need to jump. Hopscotch. What can you call him but Hopscotch?"

Here, they think golf and cricket should be bracketed along with hopscotch, dominoes and tiddly-winks; just as I used to fancy baseball was a glorified kids' game. I know better now." I looked at him rather darkly. "Oh! it's all right, friend, it takes a man to play baseball, same as it takes a man to play golf and cricket. Golfing is about the only vice I have left.

Then a fog would come on so thick, you could almost cut it like a cheese, and thus render the sailing among the loose ice very critical indeed then it would fall dead calm, and leave us, hours together, muffled in mist, with no other employment than chess or hopscotch.